Chapter 105 Small Bump

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( So Ed Sheeran acoustic

  Small Bump)






The rest of the night was quiet as we held one another tightly. I still have no idea what is the matter, but as I held her all the cares in the world disappeared. My brain and bones relaxed, and my body rested with her arms around me.

Her head on my chest, her heart close to mine, our legs intertwined. We had locked the door to block out the outside world, as we reunited in our love. The quiet is what we needed, usually silence would kill me but it was needed for us.

People knocked on the door and called our names but we remained silent. Anytime she looked up at me her eyes sparkled and mine looked at her adoringly. My hands on her lower back holding her close, her hands playing with my hair.

Nothing and no one bothered us, as we laid together. We adored one another, we felt one anothers heart beat. The stars shined on us and the moon shone brightly through the curtains. The room was warm and temperate, the perfect feel to our already sweaty bodies.

As usual we weren't nervous or ashamed to be ourselves, as we laid together. We weren't sexual in any way but instead sensual, and gentle with our touch. We simply laid there in eachothers arms, adoring one another in our own way. I looked at her adoringly, as she laid her head on my chest.

No words were said, no actions were needed, instead our thoughts, and the way we held one another said everything.

                 Cam's P.O.V:

I've learned that nothing was ever needed in our lives except for eachother, and our presence. We just stayed there in complete beautiful silence. He held me in his strong arms, made me feel safe, as we played beside eachother.

He held me so tightly and I held him as tight as I could.  There was no distance between us, we were closer than before in: mind, body, and soul. Nothing that we had done in the past beat this moment in our lives, not even sex, or anything like that.

No one would ever understand what we went through, and what event had just, and still is taking place. I won't compare our relationship to other's, but I will just say that our's is so special than everyone else's. Comparing is not my intention here, but to instead attempt to explain the event that just occured.

His chest was strong and sturdy, being in his arms once again sent me to a different world. His minty and heavenly scent overtook my senses, making my legs weak. I was unable to move even if I wanted to, I didn't want to of course.

Every inch of him was the same, but different as well. We were both different, we have matured, and loved differently. We were a bit more careful with our hand placement, we were cautious with the slightest of actions. When we moved it was as if we didn't, because of how careful we were.

Our legs and hands were intertwined, as our hearts were set free from holding feelings back. The only sound heard was our breathing, silence was present, but steady breathing took place. I may be repeating details but this is a way for you to understand what this event was like.

His hands laid gently on my hips, drawing small soft circles onto my skin. My head laid on his chest with my hands in his hair, playing with the strands, and tugging at the ends once and a while to make us smile.

I'm not sure if my voice has returned or not, but I don't want to find out and to disturb the lovely silence. The room is lightly lit with a "night light" as the moon lights it as well.

The light beeps from the machines in the room were hardly audible, as I listened to his beautiful heart beat.

Harry is and has always been beautiful, the way he spoke makes people stop and listen. Harry is

Harry is attractive which catches a woman's eyes, but that is all they see, and care about on Harry. Before me Harry had one night stands, and two week "girlfriends". Those girls kept him happy sexually, but never did they take the time to understand him, and care for him.

Harry is a special person, he cares for others, and most importantly for me. He comes off as a threat or dangerous character to most people, but if you take the time to know him, he is so sweet, and kind. No words can describe Harry's personality, the way he speaks, and the way he acts.

When Harry laughs, talks, touches me slightly, or says my name, my heart pounds, and my pulse quickens.

  "Camila, we are going to need you to open the door." Someone calls from the other side of the door. "You are able to go home." They say in a sing song voice.

I look up at Harry to see him sleeping, I giggle as I shake him gently. He doesn't budge. I kiss his ear lobe, and lightly blow into his ear. This makes him open one eye and a giant smirk takes over his face.

  "You still know how to wake me up." He brags about our relationship, making me laugh shaking my head.

"Quit giggling...its a turn on." He says, and I stick my tounge out at him. "Can you talk?" He asks sitting up on his elbows, his voice raspy. I shrug. "Well try, love."

  "H-" My voice cracks, so I clear my throat. "H-Harry...Harry." I say proudly. "Harry, Harry, Harry." I say in a sing song voice, kissing his button nose.

  "Come in." I shout as I get off of Harry, and as he gets off the bed. We switch places Harry on the chair and me sitting up on the bed.

  "Hello Cam-" Doctor Chad says coming in but stops at the sight of Harry.

  "I'll be nice, just hurry the fuck up." Harry says groaning, making me silently laugh into my hands.

  "Mkay...well Miss Cabello." Harry laughs, as I give him an amused glare.

"It looks like that you are in fact able to go home today. We do one last check-up but then you are free to go." He smiles and I return it.

"I will send a nurse in to do the check-up." He puts an emphasis on the word nurse, and looks at Harry.

As Doctor Chad walks out Harry makes faces behind his back, and flips him off.

  "Thank you for being "civil"." I laugh because he attempted to but failed.

  "Ha.Ha.Ha." He laughs sarcastically, moving his face closer to mine, eventually laying his lips on mine.




  "All done." The nurse tells me.

Harry was told to leave the room but being stubborn he stayed.

  "Thank you." I say putting my shirt back on.

  "Now you have lost weight...and other things." She says making me freeze.

"Now the bump has  decreased, along with some pounds, you are able to eat, but I need you to eat healthy for a while until I say differently." She says and I'm frozen.  "That'll be all." She says walking out the room.

  "What bump?" Harry says, but I can't hear him.










Instagram: @/ camarryislife

Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hey!!!! Sorry that this took so long! And that its sort of short!

How's your summer? Mine sucks so far, its been raining and I'm trying to work out but I can't because its foggy and rainy.

Alright well I love you all!!!!!! :D


I'm Not Sure of My Feelings for You 2 (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now