Chapter 92 Two Days and Families

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I caught a cab right after I left Harry's house. I walked about three blocks to get to a bank where I grabbed some money and called the cab.

It's been two days and well I'm still not over how he acted while I 're-ripped' his heart out. The first time he ripped mine out and I know that I shouldn't be seeing it like this but well...revenge. Revenge is what it feels like, the feeling is mixed with hatred, sadness and a bit if love towards myself. I'm not one bit happy at what I achieved by hurting Harry but I'm glad that I had the chance for him to hold me once more.

I didn't say the whole story, so I'll tell you now.





Flashback 2 Days Ago:



I wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the distance, waking me with their heavenly music. I snuggle closer to my pillow as the sun warms me.

Wait this isn't a it Charlie? I turn my head slightly and almost jump out of my skin as brown curls come to view. What the hell? How did he end up in my room. As I look around I realize that this isn't even my room...where the hell am I?! Blue walls and red bordering them, this has to be Harry's room! The question is why am I even in Harry's room?!


(This is where Cam gets all cute and cuddly with Harry!!!! <3)


I know that I should get up and run but my heart is pulling me towards him. Whatever had happened last night was between us, and this morning I want it to continue. I snuggle closer to him wrapping his arm tighter around my waist letting his scent take over my senses as it used to.

Harry's hair tickles my nose almost making me sneeze but I hold it in trying not to disturb him. He pulls me closer as if it were natural to need that sense of closeness with someone.

I trace his twin birds tattoos with the soft part of my index finger. His tattoos always made me curious and as I look closer to them its as if I know all the stories and reasons of why he got them. I had gotten a mint green colored tattoo when I went to his hide out, and the tattoo has become a part of my life. It symbolizes a choice that I had made by myself and when Harry and I had a heartbreaking fight. Those two things were the firsts of many that I would've endured up till that dreadful day two-years ago.

Harry and I may have had our ups and downs, hell we still do, but that doesn't change the way I feel about him. Yeah he may be annoying as hell but I put up with his ass for awhile before he officially had broken it off. I know that I'm a bitch, a snobby nosed poor girl who thought the world was a sweet place, and I will admit that, but as of now my thoughts on numerous things have changed.

I haven't been to Church since I let for London, I feel bad about it but have prayed for Harry everyday since our 'break up'. I don't believe in love as much as I did just isn't natural anymore, its hard to trust, let alone love.

Harry's eyes begin to flutter as my thoughts are halted by his movements. I stay still and watch as he falls back into a deep sleep. I breathe out relief happy that he went back into a deep slumber.

I look at his sweet face one last time holding in tears, as a small smile appears on his face as he sleeps. He move his hair from his face, then kiss his forehead letting my lips touch his skin for a moment or two.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings for You 2 (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now