Chapter 94 Talking and Appointments

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What I was thinking when I came to therapy the world will never know, nor will I. I just thought that I needed help but as Renee attempted to help me, it never opened my eyes the way that Cam could.

I spent four hours in that damn dull building and room, talking about my 'feelings' that I never knew were inside me. I never knew my feelings towards something or even someone before Cam and coming here it sort of helped I guess?

After all that shit I'm tired of people but Renee made me call my mum so as of now I'm on my way to her house. As I'm driving I still can't believe that she moved here! Like what the hell, she also brought along Gemma! It's like I'm fucking five again, but instead I'm a grown man!




My mum's house is medium size but very 'pretty' I guess. I mean the house is white built with shiny stone and the door is painted white as well. The last time I was here the house's decor was 80's themed making the inside look tacky, but that was when they first bought it so hopefully things have changed.

My raybands cover my face, my fedora blocking the hot sun from me. The short walk up the walkway to the front porch is terrifying! I'm actually scared as hell! Like what if she judges me for leaving her? Ok so that accusation is false but it still lurkes in my brain. I knock on the door as I hold my breath.

  "Harry!" My mum squeals opening the door, I stop myself from rolling my eyes then running for my life. "You look so handsome, sweetpea!" She squeals again, my ears burning from it and the sun. "Come in!" I know that she is excited to see me but she needs to tone it down.

  "Hey mum, thanks I try." I gloat boosting my ego from her comment on my looks. She rolls her eyes.

The house has thankfully changed it is no longer retro style instead home-y and more antique-ish, whatever that means.

  "Gemma!" My mum shouts smiling and staring at me brightly.

This women cared for me and put me first on her darkest days, the least I could do is attempt not to be a dick towards her. I change my facial expression from a frown to a bright deep dimpled smile.

It sounds as if a stampede is running down the stairs. At the bottom step my sister Gemma appears, her eyes glossy as she steps towards me with her hands over her mouth. She starts to cry her hands never leaving her mouth. The sight of her warms my heart. Gemma and I were close as children but as teenagers we drifted apart especially when I moved in with my dad. When I saw her and my mum in the store that one day I was a jerk to her because I didn't have a change of heart yet, but Cam changed help me after that.

Gemma is hesitant in trying to give me a hug, instead I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her small frame, compared to me she is an ant.

  "I missed you, Harry." She sobs in the chest. I hush her as she pulls away. "When I saw you I sensed that you've changed, just the way that you seem to need someone is comforting." She smiles wiping her tears. Gemma had always been smarter than me in common sense and in academics. She pauses and looks at me. "She helped you didn't she?" She says and I nod and so does she.

I hadn't noticed that mum left the room till now, probably wanting to let Gem and I catch up before her and I talk. Gem sits on the coach as I do on the other across from her.

  "So little brother how's work?" She questions as I glare at her for her nickname towards me.

  "I may be your little brother but I am taller than your ass." I smirk at her and she glares back at me, making me laugh. "Work's fine but sometimes its too much." I shrug.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings for You 2 (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello)Where stories live. Discover now