The Mission

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No ones pov:
Lance and pidge were sent to a galra base underwater, so they sent the blue lion because it's more useful in that kinda stuff. As they were on their way inside the base, lance couldn't brush off the feeling that something bad was going to happen.
Lances pov:
"Um pidge.." Lance says as he's looking around the room until he sees something that is out of order. It was this timer thingy that seemed to be hooked to something but he doesn't know where it's connected."Shutup lance" pidge was obviously busy and of course she was going to be rude because she's stressed about this mission and nothing else she'd want lance bothering her. "Bu-" "I SAID SHUTUP LANCE" well once she yelled the timer had reached its limit and the console pidge was on shut down.Lance heard a beeping noise and he immediately grabbed ahold of pidge covering her. There was a bomb and it had set off burning lance and causing him to lose an arm."pidge I-i want you to run to my Lion now, before the guards come." But just in cue the guards came in shooting at them. Oh crap. Wait! Where the heck is my arm. Well don't care I have to take care of pidge Lance thought. But when he had a chance to look he noticed that pidge was shielding him.His vision has become more blurry by the second. Huh wonder why I can't see. I need my Bayard. Lance grabbed his Bayard which turns into a pistol,and he notices it's not his usual rifle wonder why it's like Lance managed to shoot some of the guards, allowing pidge and him get to his lion. As they were at the mouth of the lion, lance pushed pidge inside but he said something to pidge "t-take care of y-your self, tell the others that I'm nothing than the s-seventh wheel, heh it was good working with you buddy take care, bye blue bye pidge ." The lions' mouth closed   leaving pidge screaming for Lance, him being dragged by the galra wonder where these idiots are taking me... Ugh what a pain in the ass...
Pidges pov after being pushed in the lion:
"NO LANCE, you imbecile, LANCE * sobs* Lance why.... Thank you for protecting me but WHY did you stay behind" pidge cries while being brought back to the castle, ' does that mean I have to tell them he died , like I know I shouldn't but he's my buddy as well, hope he's ok' pidge thought
Back at the castle
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LANCE DIED" Keith yelled. Not only was he mad but he was heartbroken when he and Lance were just  getting along. Keith obviously was falling in love with this blue paladin. "Are you sure you he passed pidge" Allura had shown a frown, yeah sure he was obnoxious but she did care for him, Lance kinda did remind her of her brother that had gone missing ages ago before everything  but why? " yeah princess, he pushed me into his lion saying that he was just the seventh wheel but-" " YOU COULD'VE SAVED HIM , WHY DID YOU NOT-" " because he didn't let me,Keith, ok, yeah it's my fault for not listening to him, but you don't have to blame me for everything, he saved me from being caught by the galra, besides Im not so sure if he actually died, if he were to actually die then his lion wouldn't accept anyone else"
"Well fine but it's going to be different without our blue paladin, no our beloved happy boy" shiro apparently was trying to hold back the tears. Hunk on the other side was crying his eyes out, poor lil baby he was lances best friend,imagine losing your best friend from aliens.
Back to Lance:
   While everybody was being all gloomy at the castle thinking that their beloved blue paladin had died,he was being taken to a lab to give him an arm.Who knows why he was being  given an arm like shiros but atleast he wouldn't have to deal with the bad pain.All he heard were the galra speaking but it all stopped when he was thrown into a dark room atleast I'm away from those creeps.Lance was hearing weird things after he was taken to a cell not only was he dizzy but he could still hear his surroundings. " hey shhh, leave the dude alone trace, can't you see he lost an arm and got this weird thingy...... Why is he glowing." Said an alien girl,(A/N: let's just keep her appearance to your imagination and i am going to add some new characters of my own ok? Ok) "Um h-he's g-glowing , ya know he's a little bit weird looking, bay, seriously, when he wakes do you think we could trust him."says the other girl with long hair,"who knows but look he's waking". Just then Lance gets up with a confused look, not that he enjoys the fact that he's with two hot chicks,but that he got cared for in this place. " Um, what's up?"Lance says. "HAI!Are you here to help us, Im Trace Univ by the way, anyway since you have that galra tech thing attached to you can you help us get away, how did you lose your arm, who are yo-" the girl seems to have quite the energy since she's in a cell. "Hey trace leave him alone, give him some space,Im Bay sky, may we know your name sir?" Says bay."The name's Lance, Lance Mcclain,how did you lovely girls end up here." Of course I'm going to flirt, but why wouldn't I. I feel kinda weird wonder why. "Ill tell you when we get out of here and Lance " bays says in a concerned tone."Yeah what." Lance replies." Did you know that you had those blue markings on your face or are you not aware of it ?" Well seems that's why I'm feeling weird. " I didn't know that I had those markings , um question. Is there anything else different with me?" Hope there's nothing different." Uh you have white hair with blue streaks and before you woke up your hair was brown as I've seen you, also you seem to have some gems near your ears, oh and your ears....... are uh... Long and pointy." Huh turns out I'm an alien as well." Thanks, enough about my appearance I'll deal with that later but we need to find a way to get out here, by any chance do you know when the guards come?" I have to find a way out of here..

Hi I'm new to this story making thing and if I suck well too bad I'm just doing this for fun, if there is any errors tell, My name is Ana b. And I will continue this story because like I even love my own storyline seriously haha. Feel free to comment .Bye bye now. Smile

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