Going Crazy

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A/N: Ok i lied this book isnt ending yet! I suddenly got an inspiration. WTH?! Maybe in like five chapters this would end. :/ i honestly dont know. But i hope you guys like this book. Even tho its trash. Well Onward to the Story.

*No ones POV:*

Weeks have past. Lances' wound recovering fast. His powers apparently helped him get well faster. As if he had some healing powers. 

The Altean castle was In the mountains, Yet close to Base. In case for any Emergencies, They would get there faster. 

Everyone was happy as they can be. Smiles on their faces, Laughs of joy coming from their mouths.They'd been going into the villages that seemed to be like cities. Planet ures was a mixture of a futuristic place but was filled with beautiful plants. Green, Pink, purple, red, heck even black roses were surrounding the city with vines. This place was actually a good area for the Voltron Crew. Allura said that some parts of this planet reminded her of Altea. Talking about Altean subject. There was something wrong with a certain person.


Ever since he had that dream weeks ago, he'd been really unusual. But he's managed to keep it from everyone. Everyone except Keith.

You see, Lance has been talking to himself as if he was having a conversation with someone. Him slapping his head. Whispering 'stop it' or 'shutup'. Shaking his head repeatedly.

Everyday, His beautiful blue eye fading to a red-ish color. But that was only when he was useing his powers in train. His eyes seemed lifeless. No happiness even though he was with the person he loves.

In the mornings Lance would go to the training deck. Slaying every Single, bot there was. This base also had training bots, but had more levels. lance had Finished all the levels. He'd finish all these levels without even realizing  this hasnt satisfied him. He wanted to do more.Wanting to hear that sound. He had this desire.

This Desire was to see blood.Gushing out of the enemy. Stabbing them with his sword. Wanting to see them...Suffer.

 Blood from those who shall ever hurt his family. You might even think....

That Our Happy.




Lance was going.... 



WELL HELLOOO MY LOVLYS (did i spell that right. :l Idk Correct me if i didnt lol)  ANYWHO.IM GONNA WIPE THESE TEARS AWAY!!!! CUS THIS STORY IS STILL GOING. NO END YET! Heh sorry. Our baby lance is goin cray cray.

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