I was right.

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*Lance Pov:*

 " My jokes' May have not been funny but atleast i try. Shiro."

Everyone was staring at me. Keith and shiro were holding hands. " Aye vincent." ' Yeah' "Look"  I pointed at shiros and keiths hands. Keith wanted to take his hand away but shiro held on to it.'Shih dude the bet. You won.Fifteen Galra soldiers' it is.' " Yeah fifteen." This is very awkward. Ha they're hammered as fuck." L-lance is that you?" Keith was the one to speak first. " No dib sherlock." I scoffed. " When did you get here?" Shiro growled. The fuck is his problem. It's not like i'm going to still his bitch. " I got here like thirty minutes ago. And according to cassy...She saw You and Shiro Kissing. Thanks by the way, I won a bet with vincent." 

"Whose Vincent?" Bay asked still clinging on to Hunk. "Oh you guys want to meet him?" They all looked confused.I chuckled. " I vincent do you want to come out?" ' Not unless i get to make fun of keith.' "Fine". "Ok! Let me just change into my Altean form." I found it funny that they all gasped at my appearence(appearance??? Wut). "You can come out now." My eyes went all black. I can still listen to what Vincent says and i can interrupt him too. 

" Hello~ Nice to finally meeting you guys." Vincent was just being creepy.' Cut it out.'  " So~ Keith how painful was it when Shiro fucked you hmm." Keiths' jaw dropped as Pidge spit out her drink. I was internally laughing my ass off, Traces' face was so priceless. " Wait! Keith and Shiro were fucking !?!? What the fuck keith! Aren't you supposed to be with lance?" Pidge Yelled as she was pointing at me. " Honey, Keith wanted the dick so bad he decided to cheat on Lance." Vincent said in a sassy voice. 

Suddenly Shiro got from where he was and let go of keiths hand. He looked short as fuck. Shiro was standing right in front of me, my eyes looking down. he grabbed my shirt and pinned against the wall. " ooo~ We got a fiesty one here." 'I think i should control things here now.' " Awe man i was having so much fun calling keith a slut. Well Bye then." I got my body back in control still against the wall. " Don't you dare ever call keith a slut." Shiro growled. " It wasn't me though. It was vincent." I smiled Innocent. " Shiro you better stop before i punch you." I looked over to Hunk who was already cracking his knuckles." It's ok Hunk. Yo tengo todo en control~" Grabbing ahold of Shiro i pushed him back with alot of force causing him to groan in pain. Keith went over to shiro if he was ok.

"Oh oops~ That's a warning Shiro. Also you can keep Keith, i lost all my trust in him. But my.my. Keith time did you good." I chuckled sending him a quick wink. I walked over to where Hunk, Trace, and Bay were. " Aren't y'all going to give me a hug?" 

"Lance where the heck were you? And how did you know about Keith and Shiro?" Bay was hugging me tight but that's nothing compared to cassys' hugs. " Hey lance!! Why is that dude on the floor? Did he hurt you?!" Speak of the devil. " He tried but i gave him warning Babe. Come and meet my Family." Smiling with joy she skipped over here where i was. " Hai! I'm Trace." She said waving. " Hunk." Reaching his hand over for a handshake, Cassy happily took it. "I'm Bay."

" Nice to meet you guys! I'm Lance's Girlfriend!" She Sent over a wink knowing what we were gonna do." Whose that in the glasses with his jaw open?" Cassy pointed over where pidge was." Oh that's pidge. I think she's shocked for what just happened." I was just shaking my head on how stupid pidge looked. " Oh yeah and Hunk. I knew about Keith and Shiro because i sorta figured that they were gonna do that." I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

" Lance we need to talk." I heard Keith coming towards us. I looked at him with a fake confused look. "Huh. Do you we really need to talk. I'm pretty sure you enjoyed that dick you got in your ass." Hunk Bursted out laughing, same thing with pidge and cassy. " I'm Serious Lance. We need to talk." I scoffed. Keith looked really tiny, eventhough he was almost the same size as me years ago he looked really small. I guess he can earn the nickname  Shorty now. " Hey pidge, Mind if i call you mullet now. Because Keith's the short one here now." Laughing I earned a glare from Keith and shiro. " Hey Cassy don't you think it's time to sleep. Why are you awake anyway?" Ignoring the stares from keith. "Oh Lily told me you were won bet against Vincent and you had to kill fifteen. Without your powers. I was wondering if i could join." She smiled at me. "Yeah sure. We should invite Keith here and Nana too. I'm sure she'll love it. And i assume you will too keith." I looked over at him with a grin.

" You guys' should go to sleep. It's Late. We can catch up in the morning." Everyone nodded and walked out of the room leaving to their rooms'. Only keith, Cassy, Shiro and i were left in the room. " Hey Vincent do you want to comeout?" 'Nah i'll just watch from afar. Plus, I don't want to deal with shiro. I think he's in his man period.' I chuckled at the comment. "What's so funny?" Shiro growled at me. "Are you a dog or something. Stop it with the growling damn." Again he growled at me. I just rolled my eyes'. " Fine ok. So you guys' wanna join Cassy and i?" Asking them. They both nodded, keith looking a bit hesitant. 

We all walked over to Chica. I got tired of calling her ship so her name is chica. When we got inside of the ship, both Keith and Shiro covered their noses'." Come on guys. It doesn't smell that bad." Cassy whined at them. Them still looking around, noticing that everything inside changed. " What the heck does it smell so bad?" Keith asked. "Dude do you have a bad sense of smell. It's the smell of old Blood ." Keith shot his eyes' right at me. " You guys' kill too . Aren't you supposed to be used it by now?" Shiro was just walking next to keith silently. " No" keith mumbled. 

" Well we're here" clapping my hands. We arrived to the part where there's cells. Atleast a dozen of galras were inside. Keith and shiro stared at them as if it were the first time to they saw galra.

 " Killing time~" Cassy hummed,grabbing her favorite weapon. Her weapon was kind of like this Electricfying spear, it suits her. " Indeed it is honey" Chuckling.

"What the fuck is this?" both Keith and Shiro said in unison. 


Yooooo wassuup bitchesss. Today was busy as fuck. How'd you like this chapter?? Hope you liked it. WELP MUCH LOVE!! LOVE YALL. REI IS OUT!!!

Word count 1239

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