issues happen but some successful

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A/N: im literally listening to broken by lund right now while writing this :pbleh. im gonna write half of this and continue the rest later.

Voltron Crew:

"There seems to be a malfunction with the Castle, we cannot start. The engines seem to have an issue and everything is on the fritz." Allura said concernedly. " Well La-" Coran came to realization to what he was about to say, its been a while since lance has been mentioned besides keith talking about revenge from time to time." I uh... i mean Pidge and i will see the issue with the engines. we'll be back in a jiffy!" And with that Pidge and Coran left.

"Cant we just use our lions instead of the castle?" Hunk asked. " As i said before, hunk, The castle is on the fritz and isnt functioning correctly, which means the lions chamber isnt opening either." Allura said. Suddenly Corans face appeared on the hologram. " Youre going to have to wait an hour or so. sorry."

Lances POV:

We were arriving the location to which trace and bay have sent a signal from. We spotted a planet that yet have we no knowledge of. Once we passed the atmosphere. I lead the ship to a more hidden area. " Again, reminder. Three fo us are going to sneak in first WITHOUT getting detected And the rest is going to stay in this ship in case anything happens. IS THAT CLEAR." I demand. Everyone in the ship yelled back 'YES SIR'. Two of my alies went with me to where bay and trace were. I activated my power, changing my appearance. But im just going to cover my face, so no one will know who i am. All three us made our way inside of ship looking thing.(I honestly forgot half). The sentries were on their patrol gaurding every inch of this base.We were wandering around the hall of the area, until we saw some doors that seemed to be cells, there were two sentries guarding the doors. I run up to them and destroy them. I knock all the doors down and when i got to the third door i found bay, keith, and trace. Wait, i look back and notice that its keith.WHAT?!!?! "BROTHER" i hear bay yell jumping at me." Are you guys ok? Did they hurt you?" I question them worryingly." Yeah yeah, we're both fine.We better hurry the escape." Trace says."who... who are you?" i hear keith ask.


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