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No Ones Pov:

Lance was taken to the medical room. With a Shot Straight to the chest. Everyone for who cares for him In Tears, not wanting to lose him again.

Hours have past since he was taken to the imfirmary. All everyone had to do was to wait.Silence has filled the waiting room. No one wanting to speak. Sobs were heard from Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and Bay. None of them knew what to do, they were scared of losing their friend. 

More hours passed, silence still filling the room. Sobs still heard. Everyone losing hope that lance will die.

*Lances Pov*

I woke up in an empty room, filled with darkness but myself. "H-hello?" I said. W-where am i? Suddenly there was laughing. "Keith?" questioning if its him. More laughing.

'You Should've died' An unknown voice spoke."Who are?" ' im the dark thoughts that fill your mind' "But i dont have dark thoughts" 'sure' "what do you want from me?" 'I want you to die' "Why?" 'because no one cares, they want you dead'.

Do they really want me dead? Why am i here? Am i even alive? 

The laughing starts again but its not the unknown voice. It sounds like keiths. " You still call your self the sharpshooter? Haha you arent needed. We only want you so we can form voltron". Keiths voice said. Thats not true. They love me like family. Do they? No. No. No. No. "YOURE WRONG" I yelled. "You sure. Because im pretty sure everyone already left not caring for your well being." Keith said." We all hate you" Pidge and hunk said together."DIE!" They yelled."DIE!!!"


"NO!!!" I yell getting up. I wince pain, What happened? Sweat and tears run down from my face.I hear people running. A door Slams Open.

"OH MY GOD LANCE!" People yell going next to me."W-where am i?" I ask. "Lance youre in the infirmary. Do you remember anything?" I turn to see whose talking and its keith. The love of my life is next to me. Holding my hand. His eyes are red, Why?"Are you ok?" I ask him."What? haha I should be asking that." He said putting my hand to his right cheek. I Smile and see eveyone who i thought hated me , Right there in tears next to me." I love you all. Especially keith." Everyone laughs and hugs me. I wince."sorry" they said letting go. This is my family." Why dont you guys stay here. I mean in Planet Ures.Its nice to be in one place. More Comrades to work with in the defeat of zarkon." I say in hope."I Think thats a great idea Brother." Allura said. Im glad everyone is here."really" I smile weakly."yes really, We cant leave our brother here. We all love you and we dont want to lose you again." She smiles.

"Ok everyone, its time to go to sleep. Who wants to stay here with him?" Shiro ask."ME!" Pidge, Hunk, and Keith say in unison." Please?" They say with puppy eyes. Im surprised they want to stay."*sigh* Fine. But! I want you to wake up early for training. Understood?" He says.


And with that Allura, Shiro, and Coran left the small room heading to the castle.


Okkkkkkk This Story coming to an end in like three chapters. Sadly.* Tear falls down from face and cries in a corner* BUT! Im writing a BoyxBoy Story with my own characters! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!Our baby lance is all grown up *sobs*. So yeah. Thanks for the love :,). NEXT LAST THREE CHAPTERS ON TUESDAY!! REI IS OUT!!!

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