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You know it frustrates me having Keith here. Yeah I had feelings for him, yes had feelings for keith. But I just....don't care anymore, All I care about is Traces, Bays, and this planets safety. Ya see I can tell that Keith has feelings for me because the way he sees me is the way I used to look at him. I don't know when or why I stopped this feeling but it's the right thing. I'm pretty sure he'll try to convince me to comeback to Voltron. I don't want to. Suddenly I was pushed back. I was in the middle of a training session with one of my students. To end this session I just use my powers and hit him with it. I don't want to train anymore but I'll stay.

3 hours pass

I'm fighting with my last student, who is the stronger one of all my students in total. I have high hopes for her. I see bay, Trace and Keith enter the training deck, Keith looks at me and turns to bay,talks to her and looks back. Watsup with him? I tell my student that the training session is over, I walk over to them with an annoyed face."Lance, why u mad man. That kid say something huh." Trace says rolling up her stupid sleeves."No trace, it's fine. I'm just a bit annoyed. There's something I don't want here." I reply while looking at Keith. I notice that Keith frowned, not that I care. I turn to Bay,"Anywho,Bay you first."
(Le time skip brought by where's blue goin)
I throw an energy ball at bay sending her across the room, hope she's ok oops. I walk to where Keith and trace are." This session is over, including for trace. I don't feel like training for now." It's half true, but I just wanna tell Keith to contact the Voltron team to come pick him up.So I walk over to Keith, grab him by the arm and pull him to communication center.
"Lance let go!" So I did what he says and he falls to the floor." I want to communicate with the castle and I want you to leave." I say." W-why aren't you happy to see me?" Keith ask."Uh no, Let me tell you something mullet head. I'm not happy to see you. I don't have feelings for you anymore, I know it's not my place to be all cold and that its just not my persona but I don't feel anything. I feel negative emotions, so contact shiro and wait for them to get to you."I see Keith tearing up again, he opens his mouth to say something but all I hear is stutters. When he could finally speak he said " b-b-but I love you Lance, you don't know how much I missed you I-" I interrupted him." No, if you actually loved me, then you would've been looking for me, as same for the rest of the team. So don't pull that crap on me and contact the fucking castle!"

The end...

Lol just kidding... This is just steps closer to klance moments!!!lol I'll post the next chapter on Monday...yayyyyyyyyyy bye love y'all commentttttt :p Rei is out

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