;What's This Feeling?:

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//A/N:Hey guys.So I won't be posting in a few days sadly.But i'm going to be giving you a tiny Special. This Takes place 7 years ago Back to when Lance and keith were getting along so well.Lance still in Voltron. No Drama. No Hate. Just Pure feelings of Realization. Enjoy!

*No ones point of view*

This is a story of two boys who hate eachothers guts. Always arguing . Making everything a competition. Calling eachother pointless names'. Making fun of eachother non-stop. Glares being sent back and forth. One claiming he is better than the other. Another saying that it's all a bluff. Always trying to impress their leader.These two boys hated eachothers gut.

Well that's what they thought. One day a certain boy got hurt during battle. That boy was Lance. He had gotten a serious head injury, everyone thinking he was fine. But he wasn't, he'd lied that nothing happened until he lost  his consciousness and fell straight to the ground when he got out of his lion. 

The First one to react was the other boy Keith. Running straight to him, throwing his helmet aside. A worried expression on his pale face. When he took of cubans' helmet off , there was blood, him noticing on the back of his. He picked up the boy and rushed to the healing pods, putting him inside a pod. There he stood, staring at the cuban wondering why he was the first to react.

Lance has been in the pod for days. Each day Keith would come visit him and telling him about his day, how shiro made them train, how Coran told him his stories. Keith didn't know why he was doing this, but it felt right. Confused because Lance was his rival. Why did he feel this was? 

That night Keith stayed next to Lances' pod. He was thinking things that were running through his head. Slowly drifting to sleep. But a hiss was heard, making keith get up knowing what it was. The Cuban was finally out of the pod. Keith grabbed ahold of lance, hugging him tightly. The other boy returning the hug. 

Day after day the boys' started talking more. Laughing. Smiling. Endless talks' at night. Random glances. One venting on how much he missed Earth. The other saying that he never had a friend. Them sharing rooms, giving eachother company. Hugging for no reason. Holding hands when they were alone. Cradling eachother when one of them was lonely. 

Anytime all this happened, blushes were shown on their faces. Stuttering anytime they wold hold hands. But they liked it. 

The  hugs were filled with love.

 Until one certain boy drifted away after a mission.

Both seperated but they kept on asking themselves the same question.

'What is this Feeling?'


Thats all for now. Thank you for those who actually enjoy this book. The feedback i get from two of you make me happy from the pain i'm living right now. Much Love. I love y'all. Rei is out.

Word Count 495

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