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*  lol i died.Contains sheith,bleg sorry but i had too, it just for the plot.I hate sheith honestly*

*Keiths Pov:*

So Uh. I lost my virginity last night. Yep. To the man i love.

I woke up in lances bed. I moved to the side if lance was there but he wasn't there I touched his spot, its cold.

 'Where is he?' I got up from the bed feeling pain on my butt, jesus how hard did he go into me. Why the heck did i ask that?

I changed into some of lances clothes, some of his drawers were empty. Why?
I headed out of his room, i saw bay nervously holding something.

Bay was looking outside to where the ships take off. She had tears in her eyes, whats wrong with her?

" Hey bay you ok?" She immediately wiped her tears. I looked at her with concern. " oh yeah. Yeah. Im fine. Its just..." She trailed off as if she was in another dimension.
"Lance. I - i mean keith. Can you get the others? Please. Its urgent. " ok something is wrong with her. But i nodded as i left outsidr to the castle. The crew was already awake so i didn't really wake them.
" oooo keith why you wearing lances clothes" pidge had a nag to tease me about lance and i. " Cus i can. Have you guys seen lance?" Looking around to see if my boyfriend was there.
"No he isnt with us. Why do you asks? We thought he was with you." Hunk said in a worried tone.
We all got out of the castle and saw lances ship. It was getting ready to take off. Where is he going? There was a window where you can see the pilots, there i saw lance. Staring at me, mouthing  the words that caused me to break down.

'Goodbye, ill see you next time' and with that his  ship shot into the sky. Leaving me once again.

Soon my pain turned into anger. "BAY!" I growled in anger. Bay was sitting there quietly , sniffing. Is that why she was crying because she knew lance was leaving." Why the fuck did you not tell me!" Yelling at her." He decided this at four am. He's going to be away fro two months.i couldnt stop him. H-he gave me a video. I haven't watched, it yet and he told me to show it to you guys. Especially keith." She said. Bay made her way into a control pad, she put the drive in. An image of lance popped up.

Hey guys i hope you guys wont hate me after this. Hehe. But im leaving. What i told bay was a lie. I actually dont know when im coming back but not soon. I dont have a reason to tell you guys. But i love you all and keith, i love you more. I Had a great time last night. Haha. Sadly its going to be the last we're gonna do that in a while. Im sorry you guys. Ill miss you. See you someday. Goodbye.  The video Stopped, showing  a smiling lance.

All you heard was bays sobbing. Pidges sobbing. And of course hunk was sobbing.

 I was Angry and also sad. But i couldnt bring myself to cry. My eyes were dry. Shiro touched my arm telling me its going to be ok.Though his face showing an expression that i couldnt quite recognize. 

*Three days have passed*

No emotion was shown on my face. I was...Broken. Right when i got him back he leaves . Even right after sex. What the fuck.

I wasnt mad at him, i was disappointed. I love him and ill never stop loving him.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I asked. " its me Shiro. Can i come in?" Shiro's voice was  muffled through the door. I was too depressed to even stand up and open the door. "yeah You can."

" Hey keith you alright?" He said softly. I stared at him."What do you think? That im going to be all happy saying 'OH JOY LANCE IS GONE AGAIN!!!' or that im going to be jumpy  with a smile on my face. I think Not." I sneered.

Shiro made his way to sit down next to me, sighing." Im just worried about you . We're all upset that he's gone. But he had his reasons to leave. We all miss him. You have me Keith." He showed me smile putting his hand ontop of mine. What does he mean by 'You have me'? Could he possibly mean by....

I felt thin lips against mine. This didn't feel right. Pushing shiro away, i jumped to the other side of my bed." Shiro!? What the fuck! Im with lance." Shiros expression seemed like he didnt even care. "So? He's not here is he? Keith, *sigh* i love you . Not as a brother but something more than that.Please while lance is away be with me." The begging with puppy dogs eyes was making things worse. Since i have  a weakness. That weakness is the puppy dog eyes. It kills me. 

I scoffed "Youve got to be kidding me." But the look on his face got worse. Heck i can't reject him. Shiro Got closer to me. Destroying the gap between us. Kissing my roughly with his thin lips. This isn't supposed to be happening.I want Lances full pink lips agaisnt mine.If im with Shiro like this, I'll have to think about lance because thats the only thing i can do. This time i didn't push Shiro away. I realized that the door was open, but i'll let it slide.Not caring. This has to be a secret though. No one can know about this "love" affair.

" Hey keith do yo-" Hunk Dropped his pan of cookies. Wide eyes staring right at Shiro and i. Both shiro and i jumped away from eachother.Surpised. Guilt started running through me. regretting this. Not wanting this.

The expression that Hunk had was something i have never seen before. It Showed pure anger."I-I Hunk li-" I was interrupted by the big teenager." 'i-i Hunk' Fuck no! How DARE you do this to lance hmm! Once Lance gets back he'll need to know! Do you have any idea how happy he was to be with you? I guess you didn't since you making out with our 'Leader'. I thought you knew better. Both of you." With that Hunk left. Hearing his stomps echo. Everything was quiet until Shiro broke it.

"no no no no no no" i mumbled to myself. "keith" Shiro said trying to put his hand on my shoulder, but i snatched it away. 

" get out" I said coldy covering my face. "bu-" 

"I SAID GET OUT" Yelling at him with my face red from fustration. Shiro left my room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. ' Why did i let him do that?' I asked my self. Tears forming in my eyes. Finally pouring down. I hugged my legs. 

I wish Lance never left.



Anywho i hope you liked this chapter :). Dont worry the next chapter wont be bad. I think. :l. Idk. but see ya later! MUCH LOVE!! REI IS OUTT!!

Word Count 1174

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