The encounter

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Yo!!!! Onward to this story
Keith's pov:(finally tho, it's been a while)
"Who...who are you?" I say as I see the covered boy. He reminds me of someone.hmm. "There's no time for talking we gotta leave now! Come on! Bad ass time!" The masked guy hands bay and I weapons. I get a sword and bay gets a weapon that looks like a machine gun.
We run in the corridors, making our way out of this. Once we found an exit there's was a ship waiting for us. "Hey don't you have a lion to get to?" Masked guy asks did he know about red? "Actually my lion went back to the castle alerting the others about my capture." I reply. Bay gets to my side and talks to the dude." Lance can Keith come with us. He might need to communicate with voltron." She says. My face goes blank. Did she just say Lance. " I heard but what is your name?" I ask. I see him fidget, sweating now and turns his head not facing me ." L-Lance is that you. Look at me Lance." I say. "Y-yeah it's me, who else." He finally speaks. I find myself tearing up and ran up to Lance and hug him." Where the heck were these years, huh! why did you leave me." I sob to. Lance pushes me away."Now isnt the time to be tearing up and being lovey dovey,keith, get in the ship and we'll discuss this later." he said coldly to me and walks into the ship disappearing."Hey you ok man?" bay asks me. I nod and go inside the ship with bay and the other girl.
All for now.... I'll update on Wensday and like continue dis... See y'all buh bye comment and vote and comment

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