Tiny preview

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So uh I'm gonna post a few chapters next week on Friday!!! Only reason I'm doing it is because the following week is going to be full with test and stuff. Ugh. So uh I hope you like it!!!!!
Chapter 11
The Voltron crew have arrived to a planet they have never seen before. They noticed something. This place has not been invaded by galra.

"LANCE!!!! OMG LANCE!!!" Hunk yells as he sees his presumed dead brother. Everyone turns to lances direction getting their attention off Keith. They all run towards him. Tackling him, giving him hugs. Pidge and hunk crying their eyes out. All filled with joy.
Chapter 12
" I'm not going with you guys. I'm not going to be in Voltron."
"Why the fuck are you kissing Keith? I-I thought you liked me! What are those glances you share with him! Are you gay or something!!!! I hate you"

Chapter 13
He gets shot straight to the chest. Blood dripping from the wound, staining the armor with red dark blood. He faints. Last thing he sees is his friends.

Chapter 14
"WHERE IS HE!!!!" They run to the medical room.

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