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*Lances pov*
' are you sure you want to comeback?' Vince asked me. Ok so I got tired calling the dark voice in my head so I named him. He seemed to like the name so yeah his name is Vince. " I am positive. Plus I need to see Keith.  Wanna bet he's with Shiro?" I love Keith and all but I know how Shiro looked at him.' Yeah how much bodies?' "Fifteen galra bodies without my altean powers" 'Fucking deal. And fifteen more if we catch em kissing' " fuck yes."
'Well what are we waiting for. Let's go back to ures then.'

(~letimeskip Lance dies is my nightmare~)

'You are a kinky bitch' " hah how" ' well first of all. Who gets a boner at the sight of blood? And second of all you fucking jerk off right after to kill em' " welp I have to jerk off at something. I can't exactly fuck someone or think about someone." So Vince and I have been talking about my kinks. And that didn't go well. We were like three planets away from ures. I'm just too excited. But first since it's day time over there for them I'm just gonna go to planet panex because I need to prepare myself. 'Weren't we gonna go to ures' "Imma go at night time because I wanna surprise them in the morning and I wanna see Keith's face full with guilt heh." ' You are a cruel person Lance' " I know"

My ship soon landed on planet panex and like, guess who I saw. Yes Keith and hunk talking to the chief. And like fuck when did Keith cut his hair.'Stop gawking him like a pervert and go somewhere else' I literally glared at nothing.'haaaa you can't glare at me physically' "Shutup"

I went to go visit nanny, she's like a grandma to me and I love her. She gives me delicious food and let's me kill the pig looking things. Nanny has a killing problem like me. Every time I come to this planet I'm welcomed like I'm part of the family and I love it.Thens there's Cassy. She's like the nicest girl in the world. Her adorablness ( is that even a word lol) is like oh my god. Cassy has this thing of pouting all the time and raising her eyebrow, it kills me. I See her as a little sister. And she see's me as a big brother. Which is cool as fuck.

I found myself standing outside of the Chiefs house. Where Keith and hunk were. They were talking about me. But not directly, not as Lance.
As The dark Warrior. Man I love that name. "Vince how did you even come up with that name anyway?" I whispered as I walked away from the little house. 'Simple. Since you're Dark as fuck and you fight like a warrior I just put it together.Dark Warrior' "Wow. I give you credit though. It's a fucking awesome name. Even hunk and Keith are wondering who the fuck i am. Not even thinking about me. NANA I'M HOME" I closed the front door of the house and felt two arms around me. I chuckled know who is was. There were pictures of me. But one caught my interest.

(I made an edit and decided to share it with y'all

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(I made an edit and decided to share it with y'all. Watcha think?)
It was me three years ago. Damn my hair was fucking long. "Nana when did hang that picture?" I looked at her. Her eyes were so pretty. I wonder why no one ever married her." Oh dear. I forgot I put that up. How much the Time has passed. Twenty one there and twenty three now. My boy is all grown up." Nana said hugging me again." How long are you staying Hun?" Looking her I smiled sadly. I usually stay with her for Atleast a month. "Just until night falls. I'm going to see my family today."
"Really?!? May I come with?" Her eyes looked at me with joy." I don't see why not. You might even meet a cool altean uncle there." Nana hugged me, squishing me. We hugged eachother in a comfortable silence.

"Wanna go kill some pigs with Cassy?" Her calm voice relaxed me even more. "Yeah... But I'm hungry..." She put a finger on my lips."Shhhhhh say no more bunbun. Let's kill that pig and roast it." God I love her." Alright!"

"Lance! You're here?! I thought you weren't going to comeback until next month!" Cassy run upto me tackling me.This girl is just too much for me." I'm just staying here for the day. I'm going back to Ures to see my family." I chuckled. "And I'm coming with him!" Nana said proudly. "Awee lucky. I wanna come with too." Oh no her pout." Cassy don't you dare. No. No.No. Annnnnnd you did it. Ugh fine you can come with us. But if you start complaining on the way. I'll turn the ship around." I started at her in defeat. " Yay. I swear I'll be good. " She was jumping up and down like a five year old. Cassy is 17, her parents got killed by the Galra but she still manages to stay happy. I'm proud of her.
" well let's kill the pig. I'm still hungry." Classy slapped the back of my head." What the heck was that for?" Rubbing my head." People are talking about you like you're some kind of killer." Wow. Her mood changes are freaking scary." It's fine. It's just to scare the people away. I want people to think all night wondering who can kill the Galra by themselves." It's true though. I never needed help to kill the Galra. Cassy sighed and looked at me with sparkling eyes." You are the strongest Alien I've known my entire life. And I love you bro."
" ewwww love AHHHH " She glared at me. " I love you too honeybun."
After we killed the pig. Nana roasted the pig. It was so delicious. 'Nightfall is coming' "yeah I know" Cassy jumped right next to me."Is that Vince?!" So four years ago, Cassy caught me talking to Vince and she asked if he could come out. It was surprisingly cool that she wasn't creeped out by it. She has a voice in her head as well. The voices name is lily and she's dark just like Vince." No but he can come out once we get to Ures. Get your stuff ready. Nightfall is almost here. Go tell Nana too as i get the ship on." I got out of my seat and went to Chiefs house.
"Aye Cheif" Smirking I sat on the floor." Leaving son?" Cheif was this type of guy who gets mad fast and it's get scary. One time I poured some water on him and he made me stand naked in front of the whole village. Girls were gawking at me and it felt so uncomfortable. " yeah. Just going to say my goodbyes. Cassy and Nana are coming with me." I stood up and gave the old man a hug." Well take care my son. We'll see you next year right?" " right"

" You girls ready to see my Family?" Both of them shouted 'Yeah!' We were already inside the ship. It soon blasted off into space.(We're going on a trip in our favorite rocketship)

Later I landed Chica. My ship. On the base of Ures. Once I stepped out I felt the cool breeze hit my face. It felt good to be home. The smell of the cose trees and sweet flowers was so welcoming."This place is so pretty. I think it's better than Panex!!" Cassy shouted jumping up and down. Already knowing she wanted to explore the place. I nodded at her and she zoomed to where the living room was.
"Welcome home honey" Nana put her hand on my shoulder. " Come on. Everyone is probably still alseep. Let take you to my old room." Leading her off the ship, We went inside and headed straight to my room. My room instantly smelled like Keith. Has he come in here? Whatever bet he's being fucked by Shiro. 'you bet he is' I mentally rolled my eyes. "Stay in here and sleep nana. You need it. I'm going to go get Cassy. She can't bother anyone haha." Nana nodded slowly going in my bed.
I went to go look for Cassy. Knowing her she's probably in the kitchen. So I went over there. I was right. She was stuffing her mouth with all kinds of food. "Oh my cheese. Lance this food is so good!!" She was smiling but it faded." What's wrong?" Asking concerned About her. " I saw two guys kissing.I thought it was bad kissing the same gender. I mean I got in trouble for kissing a girl. Why can they do it?" Tears were falling from her face." Awwweee baby. It's ok. You can kiss any girl you want. Except for nana or she'll kill you. "Cassy chuckled. " you should go to bed. Can you tell me where those men were?"  Cassy nodded yes." The living room place."
" thanks baby." I picked her up and took her to my room. Again, it smelled like Keith. I laid her down on the bed and kiss her forehead.

'I bet those two men were Shiro and Keith' "Totally like-" "True. But he was just really annoying at some point. He could've atleast try to be funny."
Smirking I entered the living room. Seeing Keith next to Shiro. Hunk and bay clinging To each other. Trace and pidge staring at Shiro. I already they were talking about me. So I spoke smirking.
"My jokes' May have not been funny but atleast i did try. Shiro."

Muahahahahaha Lance is just awesome. I like Cassy tbh. My neighbors don't want to Shutup the fuck up with their weird music. Like really I can't even sleep. Ugh. I hope you guys like this chapter. I think you needed some of lances point of view. Much love. I love y'all. Comment :) . REI IS OUT!!!!!!!
Word count 1629

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