Five years Later

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*Keiths Pov*

"Ahhh~ Fuck shiro i-im close". Shiro slamming his member inside of me. Hitting my sweet spot making moan even louder. His speed increasing inside. Me screaming in pain and pleasure. After all these years ive forgotten how lance fucked me. I don't miss it since it was only one time we did it. I also don't miss those makeouts we had every friday night. Maybe being with shiro is a good thing." i-love you shiro!~"

A few mintues, shiro came inside of me. Liquids coming out. Both of us panting. Soon our breathing steadied. " Do you really love me?" I turned facing Shiros face." Yes" Smiling at him. Suddenly he got up from the bed." what are yo-woahhh haha" he picked me up spinning me around the room. Laughing with joy.

' Attention Paladins we are going on a mission. Get to your lions and i'll explain everything from here.' Allura announced.

" Well i guess its time for work." i said getting out of shiros hold. I changed into my clothes."Yeah"

We both walked out of my room. When we were getting to our hangers, i stopped by the blue lions hanger. Her eyes were showing a small glint of yellow. But i brushed it off and went to red.

"So whats the mission?" Pidge asked through the intercom.

'This isnt quite a mission but more of a scouting. We are going to check some planets to see if they're not invaded by the Galra.'

"But can't just two of us go like pidge and i. We don't need keith and Shiro since they're already busy." Hunk now hates me for what i've done to lance. Other than that i asked him if lance ever comes back, i don't want hunk to tell him or anybody.

'No we need all of you so you can cover more ground. So Keith and hunk i want you guys to go to these planets name blaten and panex. Shiro and Pidge, youre going to Hurlee and sha.'

All the lions got out their hangers and went to these planets. Hunk was making rude comments the whole time.Noticing that he didn't like the idea of being paired with me.

Later the planet we were going to came to sight. It was blue and green, much like earth. We entered the atmosphere of this planet. It looked like so much earth, that i bet lance would like this place. Lance. Why did you even leave? I miss you but i think i dont lo-"Fucking christ, keith! Stop thinking about your boyfriend.And get out of your lion!" Hunk was yelling.

I noticed we already landed on firm ground. So i got out of my lion." Heash, you didn't need to be rude about it." We both saw two aliens approaching us, One looked like he was the leader of the place and the other was female. Maybe his wife." Hello. What may your arrival be about?" The buff man asked.

"We were just checking if the galra was taking over your planet." Hunk Said kindly.I looked at him, Probably eager to check out the foods." No that time is over for us." He Smiled at us, same with the female." What do you mean? Did you guys defeat them on your own?" i asked with curiosity. Hunk just looked at him with a confused look.

"No, we couldn't do anything, The galra treated us like trash. Until The Dark Warrior came. He slaughtered them all, gave them no mercy. He's our god. The dark warrior even Killed the galra from the neighboring planet. You can even ask them." Who is this 'Dark Warrior'.

" When did this Dark warrior kill the galra?" Asking as i crossed my arms." yeah Like did he defeat them by himself? He must've had someone with him. No one can defeat the Galra by themselves." Hunk pitched in. " The Dark Warrior defeated the Galra by himself. And this was Five years ago. He had no comrades by his side. He saved us from hell."

"Well it was nice to meet. But just incase take this. If the Galra ever come again contact us. We're team voltron." Smiling Both hunk and i walked to our lions.

'Who do you think this Dark Warrior is?' Hunk said throught the intercom.

'Who knows. But lets go to the other planet and get more info.'

Leading our lions to the next planet. This planet was just full blue. No other colors. Just Plain.Cool color though. Once we landed on the ground of this blue planet we saw a group of aliens surround us." Who Are you?" the alien sneered. I guess these aliens aren't to friendly. Right when i was about to speak hunk interrupted me. " We are paladins of Voltron. I Promise we are no threat. We were just wondering who the Dark warrior is. Since planet blaten told us about him. We'd like more information about him please."

"YEAH!! of course we'll give you information about him. He's the kindest man we've ever met. But first Come in into our home." The man that seemed to be the leader, lead us inside this little house. Kinda cute little house. We sat down on the floor. Waiting for them to tell us something.

" So the Dark warrior came here Five years ago. He killed all the Galra in this Universe in the same day. No mercy given. But the Strange thing about him was when he was killing the galra he was smiling. We all watched in fear right?" The girls nodded that were next to him. " At the time we thought were gonna die, but after he slaughtered them all he told us we were same now. We always wondered why a strong man would help us. After he help planet Blaten he came back over here. He spent time with us like two days. Dark Warrior never showed his face though. But even if we couldn't see his face, We felt safe. He is the kindest person or alien. We worship him as a god."

" When was the last time he was here?" i asked. " Oh he just left three days ago. He likes to stay here from time to time. Anytime, we give him an extra pair of clothes, his clothes is literaly stained with blood. But its not his." The girl in white said.

"Well thankyou for the information. Here take this. Next time Dark warrior comes here contact us. We would greatly appreciate this." And with that both hunk and i exited the tiny house and went to our lions.

' We need to meet Dark Warrior keith."

'Yeah. I wonder how he killed all the galra in this universe'


HEWOOO!!! Don't hate me if this book is going bad.

Word Count 1170

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