Where i belong

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Lances Pov:
"Okay so when the guards come we're goin-" I got interrupted by a galra. He grabbed my arm and took me to this dark room, that has a lot of torturous tool. What the heck am I doing here, I need to get to the others. Lance tries to come up with a plan but an explosion came from where he used to be with the girls.Then he Saw the door open hoping it's not his enemy, which was probably his luck but turns out it was Bay and Trace with some other aliens with weapons." Yo Lance wanna get out of here?" Bay says with a smirk."Hell yeah" I respond. A group of the robots and Galra came at us, shooting at us.Wish I Had my Bayard. Lance looks for a weapon, and that's when he saw this rifle that was dropped by one of the soldiers. He quickly grabbed it and shot all the Galra, giving them a chance to escape. Everyone  who had saved him and the girls managed to get out, there was this space ship, waiting for them. As they get on the ship, Lance gets this feeling that he had been brought to a place where he does belong. I think I'm going to be okay with these aliens...

Keith's Pov:
  Ugh Lance, why did you have to leave me. I swear, I will kill those who took you away from me.

// I know it's short but I'm just having some writers block for some reason, even I just started the story 😞😞 ugh disappointing... Anywho can you give me some ideas please it would be a GREAT help 🤗

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