They find out

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Voltron crew pov:

" doesn't this seem kinda fishy?? Like why would other aliens save Keith?" Hunk said worriedly. They were arriving to this unknown planet they haven't seen or heard of." Hunk stop worrying." Pidge said. The planet they saw was colorful. It's was green with purple. Once they entered the atmosphere of the planet, they noticed this was a well protected, Safe from galra Planet. " hey look it's Keith!!" Hunk yelled. All lions and the ship landed on the port area. Hunk, pidge, and shiro got out of their lions and ran upto Keith to check if he was ok. "Keith! They didn't do anything to you right?" Shiro said checking Keith all over. "No I'm fine, I swear I am. It's all thanks to the captain." He said."captain?" They all said in unison. Once they all said this. Hunk saw a tall tan man, he had white hair. Beautiful blue markings and  gem stones next to his elf like ears. "Lance?" Hunk whispered. Lance nodded. " LANCE!!!! OMG LANCE!!!!" Hunk yells as he sees his presumed dead brother. Everyone turns to lances direction getting their attention off Keith. They all run towards him. Tackling him, giving him hugs. Pidge and Hunk crying their eyes out. All of the were filled with joy." I thought you were dead! Where were you all these years?!" Hunk said while crying. " dude I've been here the whole time." Lance said. "Lonce (pft sorry I had to) why do you look like that.?" Allura questions. " yeah why do you look like that. And where the heck is your arm?" Hunk also asked. " uh, I'm altean? Like allura. I keep getting these past memories of when I was a little kid playing with a girl." Lance said." Also lets go inside, we can't stay here while other ships arrive. Heh. Yeah. Keith come on."

~(le time skip after all the damn explaining)~

" so uh let me get this straight. After all these years, thinking you've been dead. You actually became a Captain of the Alien force? And when Keith came , both y'all became all lovey dovy" pidge says. " uh I didn't say anything about the lovey dovey thing. But the rest yes." Lance said. "No I know, but I can tell by Keith. He's staring at you." " Lance why don't you come back with us. We still need our blue paladin." Shiro says hopefully. "No actually. I'm not gonna return to Voltron. I'm good here in planet ures. I have people to keep safe. This planet has been safe from the galra and I plan to keep it this way." Lances say. He stands up from where he is and walks out of the room they were in. Keith follows him.

/////// yo yo yo. Wassup. I updated this today haha yay. Vote comment and love me. Lol . Rei is out :p

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