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*lances POV:*


The cockpit filled with Silence.

 No one to talk to. 

No one to share a kiss with.

 No one to touch.

 No one to laugh with. 

The only voice i heard was the still unknown voice in my head.

 He talked back, but filled my mind with things that shouldn't be.  

But i listened and responded.

All i heard were screams. The agony. Screams of the Galra soilders dieing.

For The last three weeks i've been on the same mission. Going to different planets. With the same objective. The planets i've been had the one thing in common. They were  all invaded by the galra. On each single planet i killed  them all. Not giving them a chance to even hear them plead. Each planet i killed all of them. Using my powers to destroy their lifes. Slashing my swords at the sentries and soliders.  Soldier Bodies, robot bodies even on the ground. Blood.

I enjoyed all of this. A grin creeping up my face.

' Are your desires met yet?' The dark voice asked."Not quite yet. I just...I just want to see more. Screams of pain." The dark voice chuckled. Over the time here. Not that its much. I've been changing. Most likely my eyecolor. When i'm in my Altean form, i don't have my blue eyes. Instead, red eyes. I don't know how this happened but it seems to suit me in this situation.

'If you aren't satisfied yet... then you forgot one planet, dear~' "Is that so~" Chuckling at this. I led my ship to this planet.  Crossing the planets i've been to before. Passing the Stars that don't amuse me anymore. This planet came to sight. I pressed my lips into a thin line.'Fullfil this desire. You deserve it Dark Warrior.' The dark's voice said fading. "hmm i like that name."

This planet looked exactly like earth. It was blue with green. Crossing the atmosphere of the planet. The ship getting closer to the ground. I quickly directed my ship to somewhere i couldn't be seen. Once i got out of my ship.I saw that this planet was INFESTED like full of galras. Making the children do work. Hitting them with whips. Throwing the women like they were trash. Beating the working men. Killing babies.

My eye twitched, Gripping my sword. I know im going to spend a while here. Taking my sword out, i slowly approached a galran. Slashing my sword right on his throat. Screaming in pain. Others heard his screams.  Alarms blaring, warning the galras that an intruder was here. Like hell i'm an intruder. 

When  i let the body fall the ground, blood was all over me. This was the best sight.

 Suddenly a group of galras ran towards me with their swords up, others shooting at me.Wanting to kill me. They all failed. I transformed into my Altean form. The first galra jumped right me, we both fell to the floor. Him trying to stab me, but instead i put my hand on his chest.He looked at me confused, I smiled. A Shocking shriek was heard. Blue light flashing everyone. I shocked this dude with my energy.

The enemies stared at me. "What?" I said innocently. I immediately started laughing. SO hard that the galrans were looking at me with fear and anger. 

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked with a put on my lips.Replacing the pout with a smirk." Who are you?" A random galran." I'll tell you but with a price." Hmmm how should i address myself as? Oh. I know.

"That is?" he looked at me. "I'd have to kill you." The guy scoffed." Fine. You'll see." Sparking the palm of my hand with my energy. Forming it into a ball, I threw it at a group of fifteen soldiers. They died. Not hearing a single scream." How dare you" the galran growled as he ran up to me. Once he was close enough, i stabbed him on the gut. I whispered in his fuzzy ears. His eyes widen, before he could speak i slit his throat. Blood splattered on me. Smiling. I went off to kill more.

(~ LeTimeskip brought to you by Fucking klance moments in season three!~)

An entire Group of aliens were surrounding me. Cheering. Smiling. Thanking me for what i've down.

" I recommened you to go to the neighboring planets, they're a nice bunch. An alliance with them will do a great help."I said to the getting ready to go in my ship." We don't know how to thankyou er- um. What shall we address you as sir?" The strange alien asked.I turned my back to them.

"You can call me Dark warrior."


wassup. I fel asleep making this chapter yesterday. lol. Sorry.  But don't worry maybe imma post another later. :) this chapter was short. So how do you like Dark Lance hmmm. I like him honestly. Im still not happy with sheith. The sheith in this book IS GONNA DIE!!!! *shrugs* welp I love yall :) much love. REI IS OUT!!!

word count 771

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