Dark Warrior?

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*Keiths Pov*

" Who do you think this dark warrior is?" Shiro said looking down with a concentrated face. " Well who the fuck knows. But these aliens kept on blabbing on about him it got fucking annoying." Pidge was obviously annoyed. "Language" Pidge scoffed. We were all back at planet ures inside the castle. All us were walking out to the castle because we need something better to eat. Trace and bay were in sight.

Honestly even after lance left, Trace and bay never showed sorrow. But one thing was for sure, Bay knew about Shiro and i. She only knew because Hunk told her, she always gives me these stares like shes gonna kill me. "Keith" Bay growled. Then turned to Hunks direction. I think she likes him." HAI!! HUNK WANNA MAKE SOME FOOD!!" She practically yelled in my ear as she ran towards him, Trace was walking up to us.

"Watsup guys. How was the mission?" Trace has changed somewhat. She became more calm, Quiet. But her eyes still showed joy.

"The mission was odd? Weeeee don't know but everyone kept on mentioning Dark warrior." I said crossing my arms. " Oh i've heard of him. He's this super insane dude who kills' the galra right?" Bay added in. "Yeah how'd you know?" Shiro asked.

"Well i went to this planet. Weird planet by the way. That is literally far away from here. They said the dude that saved them was smiling like crazy. Like he was insane. Then just took off. Also they said he wear this black cape with a hood on." Strange." Well how about we go into the lounge and get some booze ayyyeee" Ok Our Trace is still there.

As we walked in there, I saw this ship arriving (LOL GUESS WHO THAT FUCKING IS)but i didn't put much into it because who cares. All i want is some beer and get fucked right now.( I swear i ain't putting no more sheith but then again WHO DOESN'T LIKE TO CRINGE) "Hey keith want to have some drunk sex~" Shiro whispered in my literally knowing what i want. "Yeah but we need to get drunk first don't we. Hehe." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

Giggling i turned around and kissed shiro on the face closing my eyes and enjoying the kiss. When I fluttered them open i saw a shadow leave. Quickly i shoved shiro away from." Hey hey whats the matter?" Looking at him with fear i couldn't even speak." There was someone watching us. Shiro. Oh my god. There was someone wathcing us KISS!" At this point i'm freaking out." calm down. Keith let's go inside, i bet it was just an animal." I nodded in disbelief.

" Hey guys. What took you so long?" Bay was sitting next to hunk. Pidge tapping away on her computer. And trace..." I GOT THE BOOZE!! WHOSE READY TO GET HAMMERED?!?" There she is. Crazy girl. Now i don't even want to have sex anymore. But then again i'm fucking horny as fuck.

Everyone cheered 'WE AREEEE'. Isn't pidge too young to drink? She's twenty now. Eh she's old enough. When i saw the cup i couldn't believe how big they are. Like Bay said that these are like small. My jaw just dropped what the fuck. As Trace poured the beer i gulped, Because i swear i ain't gonna be able to drink this much. I looked over to Pidge and she gulped the whole thing." Pidge what the fuck." I stared at her with my jaw still open." Better close that mouth before a fly gets' in darling." She turned away laughing. Bay and Hunk already finished their cup and asking for another. Same with Shiro. How can these people drink oh my god. I grabbed my cup and chugged it all at once. "Yay Keith finally drank his haha." Trace i swear to god. If you pour more i am going to kill you with my owns hands. And she poured more.ugh.

(~LeTime Skip brought to you by Sheith can go to hell~)

" I-I swear *hic* that pidge was fucking tiny *hic* That i was so much taller than her haha *hic* And and Lance I bet he's Small now ha." Pidge was slurring her words and like we are all drunk as fuck. " You you know that i'm still taller than you right *hic* it ain't matter if you're twenty.*hic* But you're like a little sister to me. I love you gurl." I felt a soft punch on shouder." I'm a man keith. And i love you too man. *hic* Member when we first met. Man you sure gave us a scare." Back then my anger issues got in the way. " Haha. You were Mr. Grumpy Pants." Hunk was clinging to bay." Who *hic* gave me that nickname?" These people come up with the weirdest nicknames ever. " It was lance.Man i miss him."

"Me too. When's my brother gonna back *hic* I wanna talk with him in spanish." Suddenly the room went silent. We all stared at eachother. Trace laughed. Then Bay did too. Along with Hunk and pidge. Followed with Shiro and I. Our laughter lasted a while until it died down.

Pidge spoke up. " Ever wonder why he left. Doesn't he know how much we missed him. Now he he just leaves' again without word." Tears welling up on my eyes. " Yeah. I wonder too. He must've had a good reason though." Hunk was already crying. " I'm Kinda glad he left." We all turned to shiro and gave him angry stares." Why the fuck would you think that *hic* He's like a son to you. He even looked up to you at the garrison." Pidge said angryly. " Really? He did. Too bad though. Honestly he could've trained like a madman when he was with us. But instead he just goofed around." What the heck is up with him. " Fuck you shiro. You may be our leader but thats no way to speak about him. He was the one who kept together." Hunk Spoke up. " True. But he was just really annoying at some point. He could've atleast try to be funny."

"My jokes' May have not been funny but atleast i did try. Shiro."


GUESSS WHOSE BACK? BACK AGAIN!!! LOL ME!!! How yall doing? Comment because i love them. SOME PRIVATE TEXT ME AND MAKE ME LAUGH! THE SILENC IN MY APARTMENT ARE KILLING ME. lol. Hope you liked the chapter. our babies are drunk. Much love. I love yall. REI IS OUT!!!!

Word Count 1108

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