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A/n: This isn't a short! The story is coming back!! But the chapters are going to be slow again like the beginning. Sorry. But hey i hope you like it. If not well ok. Welp enjoy.

*Keiths Pov:*

"Im not the boy i used to be." Lance breathed out. What did he mean by this? He may seem psycho but he doesn't seem that bad. When did this even start? Did it start when he left? Before we came to Ures? During....our Voltron days? What happened to him? I bet our Lance is still there.Right? 

"What do you mean? You seem normal besides all the killing thing you have going on." I stared at him blankly. " You know. Sometimes you can be so oblivious,Keith. Do you not realize all those nights back in voltron..." He was trailing off. He had matured so much. He doesn't even make corny jokes, not even flirting. Well besides Vincent. But otherwise than that he'd matured so much. I can tell just by looking at him. His face was so tan, blue eyes shimmering even though there's barely any light. He's even more daddy material (Sorry i had too). Each muscle so defined, lance is even taller than Shiro! 

"Do you wanna know... The start of all of this?" Both shiro and I nodded in agreement. Wanting to know what happened to our Lance. We could still hear the 'family' of Lance in the background. Nana and Cassy argueing what food is better. I'm glad Lance found more people to love. " I'm going to tell you guys' later because I am so tired. I've driving a ship for a while now so yeah i'll tell you later." Oh come on really lance. He got up from his seat and walked out of the room. Might as well get to know these girls'. 

" So why'd you come here to planet with lance?" Shiro asked the females. Both of them looked confused at first but responded." We wanted to come since our planet is really boring." Nana replied simply. "Where's Lance?" Cassy was looking behind us not finding her boyfriend? Wait boyfriend?!? How the fuck did i just realize that? "He went to go get some rest." Nana looked at us as if we were stupid." Lance doesn't sleep." Shiro and I exchanged looks then nodding. " HA! You just got lied to from the Dark Warrior!" 

"Cassy! Shush it's morning. Others are probably still sleeping. Sit your ass down on the chair. I'll go get lance." Nana hushed Cassy as if she was a ten year old. Cassy pouting  and huffed  pretending she's mad. I chuckled at the sight. Good to know these two are friendly, at least for now. " Don't worry i'm going to go look for him. Both of us need alot to catch up." Right when I was going to exit the Kitchen, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turing around it was shiro. Giving him a 'what' expression. " I'm not going to let go with Lance alone. Especially since he still likes you." Shiro looked away. Not caring, I took his hand off my shoulder.

" Lance won't do anything. You can't boss me around. At least not right now." Walking out of Kitchen. I went to Lances' room. Why does he not sleep? Does he have insomnia? I want to see his Altean form for some reason. I feel like he has changed. His vibe seems more... more horrific. Noticing that I already at Lances' door, I knocked on the door. Hoping he'll open. It's been a while since i've knocked this door. Hearing a 'Come in' From Lance, I opened the door. Revealing Lance Shirtless. My jaw dropped. This was the best view in the entire universe. He looks better than Shiro! (Sorry heh. or not) 

"Close your mouth Keith. Jesus. What do you want?" His Voice was so husky and rough. I am seriously melting. " Weren't you going to go to sleep?" Both of us staring at eachother. Me blushing and Lance just staring blankly." Nah. I just don't sleep. I'm never tired. Anymore for say. Now what do you want Keith? Aren't you supposed to be fucking Shiro or somthing." Lance turned aroun and went back to  what ever he was doing. How did he even know about that. I know he knew about the kiss but the fucking thing how? "Um actually. I just want to know why you're like this." Him sighing he  walked over to me, grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed. Looking at him with confusion he sat down on the bed."Keith. Do you really want to know? I mean, you have shiro who has way more stories than i. I think." I got up and crawled over to where lance is. I put a hand on his thigh." Lance. I want you to  vent to me. Tell me everything. Why did you change?" Looking at him with concern. Suddenly Lances' face was only a few centimeters close to mine. My breath hitched. 

"Oh.. Uh sorry. Wanna see something?" He backed away and sat awkwardly beside me."Are you changing the subject?" I wanted to kiss him."Actually no. This has to do with what happened to me." He stood up and changed into his Altean form?

His features didn't look the same. His blue eyes were now dark red, the markings under his eyes were glowing red. He had blue freckles which were a little shade of blue. His hair still white. Lance looks more beautilful." Oh god you're hot." I breathed out. He smirked at my comment." Are you just being gay or do you even have feelings for me." I looked away from him. I don't really know if i love him. I said 'I love you' to Shiro, but were they true? I frowned. Turning back at him, he showed a sad smile. "I-I i'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." I said.

" It's ok. I'm pretty sure you fell in love with shiro. Anyway, You ready to hear my story?" 


That's all for now. It took me two days to type this. Probably going to end this book soon. Well Much love. I love y'all. Rei is out.

Word Count 1048

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