Beginning of Love

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(*Lances Pov*)

" It all basically Started back when I was in voltron. I... I didn't know how to cope with it so I just went over to you." Sighing i plopped down on the bed. Getting ready to tell a whole story. (Ok, In this book Lance is older than Keith. Lance is now 25 and keith is like 23.)" I mean i did enjoy your company. But anytime I was alone. I would get these thoughts of..." "Killing" 

I looked at keith with an eyebrow raised(Idk i think i spelled it wrong)" Excuse me. I'm telling the story. So shush your mouth. Anyway, Yes i had thoughts of killing. They weren't as strong as they are now but they did affect me. So to ease these thoughts i just trained in the training deck. But i guess i was just making things worse. Though i was only eighteen, i was slowly turning insane.Trying to stay into the Lance you loved. 

You never realized this. But anytime we had combat with the galra. I kinda enjoyed it. Alot. The darkness consumed me over the years. Just like...five years ago, seeing the blood on my armor made me want more. I couldn't help but love the scenery of the events. All the blood, the screams. Adrenaline flowing. That lance you once knew is dead. I mean I'm still stuck with my cocky expression.But i guess all my flirting was just a bad habit.

Five years ago After i left, I went to all the planet from the neighboring Space. All of them were infested with the galra. Planet Blaten. If you have seen that way they treated the poor aliens you would've been so angry. One soldier was beating a kid! Another was trying to rape an innocent women.Also, they were using Whips!!  It all just made me twitch. So I killed all of them. Slicing their throats, Hitting them with my energy, Stabbing their stomaches, breaking their arms. It all just...Amused me. Their screams were so joyfull, it made me want... more.

I just kept on going to different planet over the years. Killing them all. A smile on my face. In planet Panex, i loved it there. It felt like home.Thats where i met Nana, she took me in as if i was her own. She accepted me for who i am, nana even let me kill the pigs and chickens. Roasting them after of course. Nana had a thing for killing which kinda impressed me. She didn't care how i was, she let me do anything i wanted. Cassy as well, She's a insane like me. Loves' killing and smiles while doing. As you've heard the name Dark Warrior has been going around the Galaxies. You can already guess who that is. Vincent came up with the name. 

About Vincent. He's the one who helped me. When i was recently going through my craziness. He made me believe that it was ok be like this. Told me you guys' didn't love me, even told me that i was worthless. Which is the reason why it made yell 'No' That day when i woke up and asked y'all to stay. But after a few months, my desires got stronger. Pulsing me to see some more blood like last time. Making me to drift away from you all. After we fucked. I just wanted to leave.

Basically all the killing took out all my demons. More mature. I don't exactly make jokes much. Only Vincent does, he's a gay flirt. And you know what still pains me." Keith was now laying next me. Staring at my face concentrated. Confusion raised up his face. " What?" He said softly. " It pains me that you decided to be with Shiro. You could've waited. But i guess you didn't. Wanna know something else." Staring blankly at me he nodded. " I was never with anybody. Never fucked a guy nor girl. I wasn't really interested in them. The only person was you. I know you prefer Shiro more than I. But it just kills me. I may be insane but i still have feelings." I sat up from the comfortable position both keith and i were in,he also got up. 

"I...I wish you still loved me. Because oh boy i still love you with all my heart. Do you even love me for who i am now?" Tears were now streaming down my face. Embarrased i was crying in front of keith.'It's ok Lance. Calm down.I'm sure he loves you too.' I feel like i'm dying. Keith hugged me tightly. Shocked, i hugged him back crying. " I'm sorry lance. So sorry i didn't realize you were turning like this. I'm also so sorry for doing this to you. I didn't know you were going to come, i had to cope with my feelings. So things led to another. Thinking i got over you. But i guess not. 

I Still love you lance. I'm sorry for what i did to you. I love you much. I don't want you to be in pain." I slightly pushed keith back. Smiling and looking into Keiths' indigo eyes. I lightly grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. It wasn't a rough kiss. It was simple and sweet. I missed his lips so much. The taste of sweetness on them, the heat of them. God i just want to kiss them all the time. " I love you" I whispered our lips brushing. "I love you too Lance." he breathed out.

"WELL HELLO LOVE BIRDS!!! NANA SAID IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!! HURRY UP LANCE BEFORE SHE POISONS IT!!" Cassy busted through door making both Keith and I hit our heads. We just laughed at her enthusiasm. "What are you laughing at?" She looked over us dying of laughter. After the laughter died down, we got up from where we were and headed to the kitchen. Passing all the old rooms. Things haven't changed around this place. Everything looked the same. This place felt safe, just like back then. I felt keith grab my hand. Slightly blushing i gripped it. Both of us smiling like a pair of idiots.

" LANCE?!?!"I heard Hunk yell as keith and entered the room. Shiro gave us a nasty look. Too bad for him." When did you come back here?!" Pidge and Hunk said in unison. Do they not realize i'm the one who told to sleep last night? Idiots.

"I got here last night. I guess y'all couldn't handle the beer here. Considering your age. How old are you pidge Twenty? Man i can't  even get hammered." Pidge got up from their seat and went over to me, punching my arm lightly. And hugged me. " Shutup. I missed you, Dork." 

"You're even taller than! Man. Time has sure passed. Well. Welcome home Lance." Laughing from all the hugs i was getting. I was surprised that even Shiro hugged me. This was honestly the best day ever.I actually felt loved for the first time. This is my Family. I will protect them no matter what.

" Alright! Enough with all the Hugs! Time to eat children!Eat before beat y'all asses."


This is the End of This book! Thankyou for all of those who read Lances' Return. Considering how horrible my writing is, I'm proud. You made it to the End!!  Though this book went from up and down, i managed to make it a little bit better. I love you all. Much Love. REI IS OUT!!!

Word Count 121

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