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Keiths POV:

I was looking for lance, around base that was really huge but not compared to the castle. The corridors were decorated with blue and purple spirals everywhere and the floor was bright yellow with spirals as well but the color green. Gold Rooms passing by as i ran trying to find the love of my life.

"LANCE!" I yell. Where is he? Ugh where the fuck is he. I passed the train deck but i hear swords slashing and a bright flash come from the room. Maybe its lance. I go back to the training deck and i see lance shirtless fighting with one of his comrades.

Oh my lord his abs. Did he gain more muscle over the years cus holy damn. He got good in the close combat department. Hell i think hes better than me.Wait why does he have White hair?Oh yeah turns out hes related to Allura. wait we're both aliens then. A Galra with an Altean. That doesnt sound right. Who cares.

" HEY! LANCE!" I yell trying to get his attention. Lance turns my directions but ignores me and goes back to fighting. I swear to god if he doesnt listen im going to beat his cuban or Altean ass."Lance get your ass over here. We need to talk." Shouting in a angry tone.

He throws a ball of magic or whatever towards the person hes fighting and knocks him over. He quickly run towards him and looks like he said sorry.

The Lance goes towards my Direction."What do you want? Cant you see im busy." I heard him say."Uh cant you see im angry?" I reply back." Ok Fine watever. Talk."

"Why dont you want to go back to Voltron? Like Thats where you belong. With us. With me." I said to him. His expression Just looked emotionless.

"Keith, Cant you see the life i have here. Im Actually happy here..." He touches my shoulder." I love you but Voltron isnt my place and i cant go. You guys can visit, I dont mind. But one thing for sure is that im not leaving this place." I cant believe it, Why would he rather be here than Voltron. He belongs here. Can i stay with him? Would he let me ? Would shiro Let me?

" Hey Keith? Baby. You alright there?" I heard lance ask.

" yeah. yeah. Can i stay here with you? Like in Stay with you here until we die?" I said in hope. His Expression showed shock and confusion. " Um, But youre the red paladin. One of the strongest lions! Why the fuck would you want to stay? What would Shiro Say?"

" What would I say?" I heard shiro say from behind. Oh shit. "uhhhhhh" Lance and i said in unison." Lance? Keith? What were you talking about?" Shiro says in a concerned tone.

I sigh." I'm not going with you guys im not going to be in Voltron." I finally said. " Wait keith, why?" Pidge asked.

" Because i love lance and i dont want to lose him anymore. Do you know how much i wanted to see him? How much time i spent training to avenge his death? You should know yourself how much countless sleepless night i had. I finally found Him and i dont want to lose him."

"Are you kidding"Lance Muttered. I turn to him with confusion." Keith stop being selfish, Think. THINK. How much that would affect Voltron. THEY CANT LOSE ANOTHER PALADIN. ESPECIALLY ONE OF THE IMPORTANT ONES. WHO CARES ABOUT ME? PRETTY SURE NO ONE!" Lance eyes began to tear up and also turned Blue." LANCE!!!" we all heard a voice from the back yell." ALL OF YOU GET BACK!" The voice came from bay." Lance calm down, Please. You cant do this now." She said in a assuring voice.

Suddenly Alarms started blaring.Then there was a voice. ' Attention. Galra Ship has Landed On base.I repeat. Galra Ship Has landed on Base. Captain Lance please report to Headquartes'

Wait the galra arrived here. Shit." All of you to your lions. and keith we'll discuss this later." Shiro yelled. I quickly Go to the castle to get my lion. Not noticing where lance went.

Once i got my Lion. I noticed all the lions where not moving and looking down.What are they looking at."Shiro whats going on?" I ask through the intercom."Lance" was all he said. lance?I Looked and i saw Lance fighting alone. Slaughtering every single galra soilder. How strong is he."W-why is he fighting alone.?"Pidge ask."A girl named Bay told us not do anything but she also said if he gets hurt we need to get into action." Shiro said in disbelief.

I noticed how lance Was in his Armor. Not his voltron armor. But it looked similar to it. His whole suit was white. Only white. No other colors except for all the blood.Him Using a sword with his fake arm, and blasting magic out of his real one.

How could he have gotten so much power? When lance finally Got to the Galran Ship, He used all his power and Blasted the Ship.

His Body collasped to the ground. The ship in the background exploding, not affecting him.

My heart Dropped at the sight.


YOOOOO watup bitches. I forgot to update on friday. :/. i broke my hand due to volleyball. Heh so like im typing with one hand. Its hard bruhhhh.

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