2 years ahead

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No ones Pov:
Two years have past ever since lance has gone away from Voltron. The whole Voltron crew was feeling very low, blaming themselves for not being there as a group. Except pidge, they knew that lance wasn't dead, they knew that he was just hurt badly and he sacrificed himself for their safety. Keith, on the other hand, has been rough on himself and training harder than ever just for revenge of lances "death". While hunk, he seemed depressed most of the time, he lost his best friend, his brother, this impacted hunk a lot. Along with the other three, they just forgot about lance. Like he didn't even exist.
Trace, Bay, and captains of the Alien force taught Lance how to do close combat fighting skills. Taught him how to use his 'Alien' or altean powers to a good source of help. Lance had gotten stronger, making him into a Captain himself and keeping a lot of the other Aliens of the planet they're on safe. Trace and Lance have gotten close. She had developed some feelings for him over time, trace cared for Lance a lot. Though Lance saw her as a friend, he had actually fallen inlove with Keith. But he knew it wasn't going to happen, never in a thousand years. Because Keith thought Lance was dead!!

Bays POV:
I was out in space,with Trace, looking for some planets to explore. Because why the heck not, ures (A/n: that's the name of their planet :p) gets boring sometimes and I have nothing to do but train. But I hate training. Though, I enjoy lances company I see him as an older brother, unlike trace she just wanna smooch with him. Ew. Gross." Yo bay! Look there's a planet! Let's explore there!" I led the ship to the planet till once we got to the ground of the planet, we immediately were surrounded by some of the Galra. " TRACE SEND A SIGNAL TO HEADQUARTERS!!!! NOW" I sure knew that we were going to get caught.

Lances POV( heh finally:p)
As usual I'm training with some of my students I've made here. Now I know why Keith liked training he wanted to get stronger sure, but it clears your mind from things. " Captain, can you go hard on me like using your powers. So I can learn how to dodge them" the student request. Hmmm should, I'll go easy on him. " ok get ready! Don't pee ya pants if you get scared haha." I joked. " Sure captain, bet I'll win!!" He yells. That's the spirit!! I level my palm up to my waist, and my energy start to develop as my alien features start to show. My hair becomes white, my eyes get lighter, my ears get pointy, Gem stones appear, and my blue markings on my face appear as well. I start attacking the student, and he didn't dodge the first hit. " You ok rookie haha" I laugh in tease. The student with the black sword gets more motivated and actually dodges the hit. By the eighteenth hit, there was an alarm meaning there was trouble. And but that my heart dropped.

Voltron crew pov:

"How do we plan on getting Keith back!" Hunk yells at shiro. Hunk well he doesn't want to lose another friend to the galra. "We can't get seen by them, so we can use pidges lion, then manage to get in by one of the vents. Pidge would be the one going through the vent , since she's small." Shiro sounds very worried for his fellow paladin, especially if it's Keith. " Okay. So you want to go through vent mhmm ok, Don't call me small." Pidge said with a very scary voice. On so with the plan they prepared for this rescue mission for Keith.

Well here's the third chapter!!!! Hope you like!!! Vote and comment!!! Especially comment because I just love feedback 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🖖🏼Next chapter will be tomorrow 🙂🙂🙂

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