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A/n: So i'm just going to take a break from the actual story. Just going to update some shorts from the past for keith and lance. How much both boys lived. Broken hearts. This is Keiths part.I'm still trying to be happy so yeah.Enjoy.


Ever since lance never came back, Keith was never himself. Same thing with the others. Everything was silent. Keith felt lonely. He needed lances' hugs. He needs their endless talks. The random glances. Them holding hands. He needed...Lance.

But they couldn't do that anymore. The boy he fell inlove with was now dead. Some where in space, dead. Not only did they find a body but they never even looked for the body. They said it was false hope.

All keith did was train. Training day and night. No sleep. No food. Only water. Keith never stopped. Angry at himself because he couldn't protect lance. He should have been the one to die. That thought alwasy ran through his head.

What if the boy was still alive? What if they took things further? keith had realized these feelings for lance right when he found out lance died. His heart was broken into a million pieces. Not crying infront of everyone but was broken.

At night he would cry to himself in his room, not sleeping. Talking to the wall as if it was lance. But the wall never responded sweet nothings to him. The wall couldn't hug him. It couldn't tell him he was the most beautiful person it'd ever seen. It couldn't make funny jokes's. The wall was just nothing.

In battle, keith would use all his fury. Destroying every single drone. Adrenaline running through his veins. After every battle, he goes straight back to the training room. Not caring how tired he is. Emotionless. Tired. Depressed.

Word count 457

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