Silence and ignorance

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I beside Bay. Her rubbing my back because im crying like crazy.She says words to me like 'its ok', 'he's in shock', 'calm down'. "Trace!" His cold voice startled me."I want you to explain why you were out here. No actually." He turns to my direction and looks at bay instead."I want Bay to explain after we go back home." He turns back, with silence filling the room. Not giving a care that im broken.

(Le timeskip cus idk)

After a few minutes, like 3 or 5 atleast, a colorful yet beautiful planet appears ahead. This where lance has been the whole time. The ship enters the atmosphere of the planet, there's homes, bases.Everthing seems so perfect and organised here, we land to a station where there seems to be alot of aliens wondering here."Keith, hey man wanna stay with us for a while." Trace says to me. I nod at her agreeing that i would, knowing that i might get my love back.lance."GREAT, ANOTHER ONE TO LIVE WITH!" Trace says as we get out of the ship.Someone comes to us, its lance.My heart suddeny starts pounding fast. He beautiful."Actually, not another one. Im moving out the house, sorry but uh ive been a bother." Lance says." Wait... I thought you weren't leaving, cmon lance." She exclaims."Nah, i actually found this cool place, also i will be training my students more often so yeah more peace for you and keith,since he likes peace and quiet." Lance explains. So he has students, thats cool."Oh and Keith, if you're gonna stay here for a while you might wanna contact allura and shiro.They might freaking out."With that he walks away from me.

(3 Hours pass)

"So keith how do you know lance? They awesome captain of the alien forces.The dude without an arm?ehhhhhh?" Bay has been asking me questions for while, why cant she leave."Lance used to be a paladin of Voltron, the supposed to be dead blue paladin." Her face went to cool to what."WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING WHY WOULD HE WANT TO LEAVE THAT PLACE?!?!?!" she yells at me for no reason."BAY SHUT THE FUCK UP!! LANCE PROBALLY FELT ALONE THERE SO HE WANTED TO LEAVE.NOW LEAVE KEITH ALONE AND GET READY SO WE CAN TRAIN WITH LANCE LATER!!" Trace yelling from another room." hey what do you mean train with lance? Aren't you stronger than him? Or atleast higher?" Im curious."um no, Hes the strongest one in the alien force, and he doesnt leave anyone behind." bay says like its obvious.i say oh."wanna go with us, i mean to atleast watch?" "yeah sure" how could lance be stronger than me ha.

Later we go to a training deck, to where i see a guy with white hair training with a student that must be his."Hey whose that dude with the white?" I interupt her convo with trace."oh that lance." cool.WHAT?! thats lance. holy fucking damn. how the fudge is that lance!? Lance looks our way and stops the session that he was having with his student.He walks over with the coldest face ive ever seen, like he wasnt even excited to see any of us."Lance, why u mad man. that kid say something huh." Trace says rolling up her sleeves." No trace, its fine. Im just a bit annoyed.There someting i dont want here." he looks at me." Anyhwho, Bay you first." Both lance and bay get in their fighting stance."BAY BABY YOU GONNA HIT ME FIRST." She goes running at lance, almost hitting him but he dodging the hit. He slyly dodges every hit."Lance you gonna hit me or what? Stop dodging!" Bay yells."FINE YOU ASKED FOR IT BABE HAHA!" Why is he calling her babe? I look closely at lance, i notice some kind of energy that was coming from the palm of his hand, then he throw the ball of energy to bay hitting her.Making her get thrown across the room." WELL SEEMS YOU CANT TAKE THE HIT YET BABE." Lance yells "This Session is over, including for trace. i dont feel like training for now." He walks over to me and grabs my arm and pulls me to some place that was dark.

"what was that" Tracer ask."I dont know"Bay Suddenly is next to trace. (Lol)


Hi i got bored and updated again. lol. see ya wensday :P

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