Fake thoughts

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A/n:Anywho i think yall are gonna like this chapter. BASA PUE!!! onward to the story

Lances POFV: (^/-^)/ l_____l

I was standing next to keith watching him contacting the castle.He seemed like someone ripped his heart out. oh.

ok so Maybe just maybe i was a bit to hard on keith. But its his fault for being here. Truth is lied to myself, no im lying to myself that i dont like keith. Im still in fucking love with him.

I sigh. Keith turns to look at me. "Keith, you know. i gotta ask you something." He looks at me confused." y-yeah wha-what is i-it?" I look at him straight in the eye." Why do you even lo-like me? Im not that special, im not important.W-when..." I realize tears coming down my cheeks. Why am i crying."When i was still a part of voltron i-i-i felt l-like i didnt belong, everyone had their place. I didnt a-at all." I was on my knees (Dont even think about it) crying, keith went down and hugged. I missed his smell."Lance i love because of how special you are.You are the most important person in the whole frickn universe and the only person i'll ever love. I fell inlove with your bad jokes, your cocky smile, your beautiful blue eyes and everything about there is." Keith said this with all his heart pouring into lance (lol that aint make sense, i have no idea how to frickn explain it haha)."keith" "Yeah?" he said softly." I didnt mean all those things i said. I was just annoyed that your here in the place where i actually belong. I dont feel negative emotions, i dont want you to leave, but your a paladin so you have duties ( pfft duty).A-and the truth is..." I stop and look into Keith amazing indigo eyes." The truth is that i love you. Ive always loved you. I never stopped loving you. I tried to convi-" I was interrupted by keiths lips. He was kissing me. His soft lips were touching mine."I love you too."

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