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*Lances Pov*

 Why do they want me back? They didnt bother find me. Im sure pidge told them i was dead. I wonder how blue is. I just feel like blowing some steam off. I shouldnt be angry at them. Should I?But...

You know the feeling when you are so mad that you cant even think. Yeah Thats whats im feeling right now. You see, Shiro telling me to go back to voltron got me mad. Now Keith tells me to come back to voltron but then he pulls the Stupid crap that he wants to stay.

The only reason im mad is because i left voltron so i dont have to be a disapointment, then they want me back. Ha no. Keith is being selfish, does he not realize i want to stay here alone.

When My altean powers are  activated everything is fine, but if i start to get angry. All thoughts are lost and i listen to NO ONE.So thats what im feeling right now. Also a feature that comes with me is that my eyes turn blue. No one knows why but i think its not good.

"LANCE!!!" Bay yelled." ALL OF YOU GET BACK!" She yelled. " What? You think im going to hurt them?" I growled."Lance calm down, please. You cant do this now." She said in a assuring voice. But it didnt work. Basically its getting me even more mad.

Right about when Bay was going to touch my arm, Alarms starting blaring. The galra? My face goes in shock. Why now? They have such good timing. Seriously. Why the fuck are they even here right now? Well time to kill.

'Attention. Galra Ship has Landed On Base. I repeat. Galra has landed on Base. Captain Lance please report to headquarters'

As everyone from the votron ran out of the room to go to their lions, I went to the armory to put on my armor. Which was white. My eyes still blue. Another feature of mine is the Blue Lines all over my body, It kinda cool.

 There was a knock."Who is it"I growled."Lance its me Trace. Are you ok?" She asked."Yeah im fine, the fuck do you want. You're supposed to be at headquarters."

"I... I just wanted to ask why you were kissing keith." What the heck." That doesnt concern you, Now lets go to hq." I say as i grab her arm." No! I- i thought you liked me! Are you Suddenly gay or something? Why the heck do you even like a guy?!" Shes making my anger worse. My eye starts twitching.


"Get Ahold of your fucking self. I like you but as a sister trace. Thats another reason why moved out. You Just want the fucking dick.Yeah Im gay for fucking keith! SO WHAT?!    NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Suddenly Energy came from all over my body. Hitting Trace, But i know she was fine because she screaming at me  to come back, me walking away not caring.

I reached the HQ. Two captains and soliders there inside." Captain! What do we do?" A soilder asked. "Im Going to kill them all." Was all i said as i walked out of The room and heading towards the galran ship.They're all going to do. Not a single galra is going to touch them." ARE YOU CRAZY!? LANCE! YOU CANT DO IT ALONE! CONTROL YOURSELF!WE-"

"I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!" I yelled back to Bay." TELL TEAM VOLTRON TO HOLD BACK!" I dont want them to interrupt me.

I made Outside and saw a bunch of galra soilders making their way to the town. One soilder shot a kid. That ticked my sanity.

So i used all my energy and blasted every single sentry that was attacking me.

Me Stabbing every single one. Blood On my White armor. Anger Taking over.

My Main Priority was to kill everysingle sentry and soilder there was. No sorrow shall be here. 

The Galran Ship was right in front of me. Soilders and Sentries Still coming out. They were all shootinf at me, but i destroyed everysingle one of them. Except one, He was all the way in the back. Aiming at me. 

So what did, was Conserve all my energy that i had left. Every single bit of energy in me was conserved into a huge ball and threw it towards the ship.But before it made contact the soilder Shot me straight to the chest. Then he died due to the explosion.

I felt my body collaspe to the ground. Hearing nothing. Everything blurry. My vision turning into darkness. I felt blood getting out of my body. The last thing that i saw was keiths beautiful face. 

But what im glad about is that everyone was safe and sound.


HELLERRRR THIS IS ALL FOR NOW SINCE I CANT TYPE THAT MUCH *Cries from sadness in a corner* BUT Im goin to post another chapter in like Nine. Mkay :) SPARKLE SPARKLE. I love yall. Hugs and kisses. REI IS OUT!!

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