The Dark Joy

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*Lances Pov:* 

"What the fuck is this?" Both keith and Shiro said in unison. 

"Wellll if you ask.I might as well tell you what this is. This my friend is kni-" "I know what a knife is Cassy. I'm asking why the fuck Lance has Galras in here." Impatient much keith. Dayum boy.

"Oh! He has these to help us calm our 'Desires' aren't you guys Lances' friends you should know that already." Sorry Cassy but they're aren't even my friends' anymore. " Lanc-" "Nope we are killing these guys and i do not need mental help." I took atleast fifteen galras out of the cell. All of them were grumpy as fuck but i don't care. With Keith and Shiro helping me take them to the feild, it was easier to take them her faster. 

" Ok!! You guys are going to watch The Dark Warrior kill his prey!" Cassy practically shouted at the part of Dark warrior. I honestly don't care If she outs me, they were going to find out anyway. "Wait. Did you just say Dark Warrior." Shiros' face was priceless. I couldn't help but laugh. Keith was staring at me in disbelief with his jaw dropped. I hear atleast three brave galras run at me. Both shiro and keith get up to warn me but i just turned to the galras direction and killed them on the spot. Everything was silent until...

More galra prisoners come at me. Them screaming. Using their claws trying to get me. Growling at the sight of their comrades being killed. Throwing random punches, missing but kept on going With this all happening i was showing the biggest grin on me. Blood was scattered all over my body. Keith pleading me to stop, Cassy laughing, and Shiro was just standing there in shock.  After i killed the remaining galra, i wiped the blood that was on my face.

My thoughts' were filling my mind of what would happen if i didn't leave. Maybe if i didn't leave i would've put everyone in danger with my craziness.'But your craziness is what made you strong.' I nodded in agreement. 'I know you love keith but how about we go to the bar and fuck a guy.'

' Dude check yo pants' Looking down at my pants, there was a huge bulge."Well fuck. I guess we are hitting the bar tonight" Chuckling. I just rather jerk off. " What the hell was that?" Keith yelled at chest. Probably wanting to yell at my face. So i slouched over to meet his level." Hmmm. Exactly what cassy told you. To grant our desires. Oh! cassy you can go play with their bodies now." I hummed straighting back up. " So you're the rumored Dark Warrior." Shiro was walking over to me. Still short as fuck."Honey i ain't no rumor. I am a god." Closing my eyes, opening one eye to see Shiros' reaction. He looked angry. Was he angry because i'm stonger than him? Was he angry because he's short? Or was he angry that i'm back? Maybe all of them. 

Shiro scoffed" As if. I bet it's all a lie, So you can make us scared of you." "I'm not scared of him." I looked over to the voice and it was Nana. Why is everyone getting up early. "Who are you?" Keith growled at. Now i didn't like that, no one shall ever hurt Nana. She is sweet but scary old lady."Keith hold your horses' that's just Nana." She waved at both of the men. Them waving back with guilt of thinking of her a threat. 

"Honeybun why did you kill these men?" Keith sighed in relief drinking some water.'That better be holy water' I just rolled my eyes, Nana was now standing right next to me. What a fast old lady. "Without me. You Should invite me next time. Now what are we going t- Cassy! Get away from those bodies now! You should be asleep. Lance tell your sister to get away from them." Keith spit his water out. This is just to funny for me oh my god.'Member theres no god.' "Ahh shut it." I immediately regretted saying that." What did you say mister? You have better been talking to Vincent." I nodded meaning i was referring to Vincent. Hoping that she might believe me. But i guess she didn't because nana slapped the back of my head.

"What the heck was that for" Rubbing the back of my head. Why do i keep on getting hit on the head. I could hear Keith snickering in the background. Sending a glare at him, he put his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh again." Don't talk to Vincent like that. Talking about Vincent, why don't you bring him so he could  get Cassy over here." Agreeing with her i let Vincent out. 

" Nice Seeing you again hotstuff~" He sent Keith a wink making him blush.'Honestly why the heck is blushing.' Vincent walked over to where Cassy was.A Pile of bodies was already made. The bodies were lifeless. Limbs everywhere. This was the best sight ever."Aye Cassy why don't you come with me. Nana is making us food." Cassys' eyes lit up in excitment." Oh my god Vincent!! How are you?!" I was being hugged like a bear." Fine but i have to go back in and let Lance explain everything to Shiro and keith. Sorry booboo." Frowning she walked over to Nana. Converting back into myself again.' Didn't keith get hot over the years.Now that i'm seeing him clearly i can tell he has a nice ass.' I was going to answer him that i was probably going to keith another chance but i saw Shiros' and Keiths' hands interwined. I frowned at the sight but quickly hid it with a smirk.

"Lets' go inside.I'm starving." I was next to keith right about now. I enjoyed his presence but i still knew i can't have him anymore. I heard him speak making get nervous for some reason.'Hey it's ok. I know you love  him but you gotta let go of him."What are we going to do with the bodies?" 

"Excuse me 'we' pfft. Watch princess. This is my job" I lifted my arm, the one i still have, up and charged an energy ball at the palm of my hand. Feeling the warm heat, i blasted it the pile of bodies. All of the bodies burning then becoming to ashes. Keith once again with his mouth open. "Better close that mouth before i kiss it." I think i shouldn't have said that since shiro went in front of keith."I'm just kidding. Honestly you go all space dad on him even though you fuck his nice ass all the time.I've been there too."  Winking at keith. 

We all went to the kitchen. Nana ran up to the fridge seeing if there was anything good. Cassy ran to her side telling her that the food was good as fuck. I chuckled at the sight. I love them. Shiro, keith, and i sat on the chairs. The kitchen has changed alot ever since got here. I can tell since the foods in the fridge were earth like.

"So what happened to you over the years?" Keith asked me. He was staring right at me.I grew nervous.'It's ok Lance. I'm here with you' I breathed out.

"I'm not the boy i used to be."


Yo wassup.How is your day going beautiful? Hope it's good. How'd you like this chapter??? Too much flirting with keith.I want Sheith to die.Next Chapter will be posted at ten. IM EATING DONUTS!!! Much love. Love yall. REI IS OUT!!!

Word Count 1250                                                                             

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