14: Beautiful

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It was almost midnight and you knew Sean's flight would be landing soon. You dressed yourself in your favorite jeans and an over sized sweater. Nights in the summer were weirdly cold. You just hoped that Sean knew that too. You hear your phone ding. It's Sean.

Jack: About to land. See you at the airport!

Me: Okay, I'm on my way to pick you up.

Just as your short update with Sean ended, your dad pulls in from his night job. You run down the stairs to meet him and take the keys to his truck. He waltzes in all dazed from being tired. He sees you and asks what's up.

"I need the truck to pick up my friend from the airport." You say, your nose stuck slightly in the air.

"It's almost midnight. I don't want you driving that late." He said trying to walk to his room before he passes out.

"It'll be quick. All he needs is a ride to his hotel." You throw your hands behind your back, hoping your dad didn't realize you used the 'he' pronoun.

"Fine," he said. "Just a quick drive. And be careful."

"I will!" You had the biggest smile on your face. Your dad gave you a grin and tossed you the keys. You ran outside and hopped into his dark green truck. He's had that thing for years.

When you got to the main lobby of the airport, there wasn't a lot of people. There were only two more flights that were scheduled to land tonight and one of them was Sean's. You sat in the lobby for what seemed like forever, and that's when your phone started to ring. It was Sean.

"Hello?" You say half sleepily.

"Sounds like someone needs a nap." Sean's voice was a little scratchy, like he just woke up himself.

"More like calling it a night." You say jokingly.

"So where are you?" Sean asked.

"The main lobby. I didn't know what flight you were on. There is supposed to be another after this one." You stated.

"Poor people. They have to wait another hour." Sean added.

"You're going to have to wait too because I'm about to leave you here." You joke.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Sean said before hanging up the phone.

You pressed your phone into your chest. You couldn't believe you were going to meet Sean in real life. He's never seen your face but you've seen his. It was going to be so awkward.

That's when someone sat down next to you. You could see him out of the corner of your eye. He had brad shoulders and a slightly slim body. You kept your eyes on your shoes, trying not to get noticed by the hansom stranger.

"It's getting pretty late. Are you gunna take me out to my hotel or am I gunna have to walk?" The man spoke with a scratchy and heavy accented voice. You looked over and saw a crazy 27 year old with green hair and a poor excuse for a beard.

"Sean?" You asked.

"(says your name in his heavy, Irish accent)?"

"You're a lot taller then I thought you'd be." You said, trying not to freak out.

Sean laughed at your comment. "And you're shorter then I thought you'd be."

"Shut up." You said, pushing his shoulder a little. That's when he grabbed you hand and held it with his.

"I'm glad I'm here with you." Sean was looking into your eyes now, like he was studding them. You felt your face get hot.

You both stayed out longer then you told your dad you would. You took Sean to an all night cafe close to the airport and stayed there a few hours when you both thought it would be best for Sean to check into his hotel room.

The drive to the hotel was about twenty minutes and seemed to go by faster. You both laughed at each other and the other's jokes.

When you parked at the hotel, Sean took your pinky finger with his own. He looked you in the eyes and it seemed like he was leaning in. You were too. When you realized it, you leaned back and let go of Sean's pinky. He looked down then back at you.

After he got his things and out of the truck, Sean only said one word to you before heading to the hotel.


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