23: What's The Plan?

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Jack's POV

After I got her message, I about had a heart attack. She was coming to Ireland now?! I care too much about her to let her get mixed up in this. He is not going to hurt her. I won't let him.

I did the only thing I knew to do: call Mark. As soon as the phone rang Mark answered. Just a couple of days ago I told Mark about my 'spells'. We like to call them that just to avoid saying his name.

"Hello?" Mark answered.

"Mark!!! We have a problem!!! I can't do this!!! She can't do this!!! He can't hurt her!!!" I started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down Sean. First, tell me what's wrong." His voice calmed me down a little bit.

"I told her not to come because of my 'spell' like you said." I start.

"You didn't say 'spell' did you?" He sounded like he was a tad scared. I knew that I couldn't tell people about this because they would freak out. I told Mark no and he chilled a bit.

"But now she's already half way to Ireland." I added.

"What?!?! I told you she doesn't need to be with you!! Didn't you tell her no?!?!" Mark was mad now.

"Of course I told her to stay but she wouldn't listen. She really wants to spend time with me. And that's all good and fine but I just don't want her to get hurt. You of all people should know that I can't control this." I was way to desperate now.

"If I can control my spells then you can control yours." Mark said. He was the only person that believes I can control him but I don't think so.

Last year is when it all started.

It had been a couple of years since Mark had shown his opposite side to the internet and people went crazy for it. There was fan art and conspiracy theories flooding social media about him.

Last year was when people got inspired by Mark to make me an opposite side. They made all kinds of drawings and I thought it was pretty cool. It was just this thing that everyone was doing as a group. I liked it and started to add a little glitching effects to some of my videos.

After a few days, people started to notice and they started to like it. They kept up the art work while I kept the videos coming. But then it started to turn into something different.

Whenever I would try to make a video my head would start to pound. There where some moments while recording that I just had to take a break.

It was one time in particular that something went wrong. After recording a video, my nose started to bleed. I took care of it but it was still weird. I never get nose bleeds and this one was the first one since I was little.

I didn't think much about it but it still made me think. Nose bleeds weren't normal for me. That night I had a nightmare. It was like someone else had took over my body.

I woke up hyperventilating, sweaty, and with a nose bleed.

Now, talking to Mark, it felt like my head was over heating. I checked my nose. No blood. I let out a sigh. "I'm fine when I'm not making videos. I loose control when I record." I say into the phone.

"Then just chill with recording." Mark suggests.

"What?!?! Now way!!! Mark I post twice a day! I can't do that to my subscribers."

"Not everything is about them. If you're not feeling up to recording you don't need to do it. Especially when you're having 'spells'." Mark had a point.

"I guess you're right. But I'd feel bad if I did." I admit.

"Good. A month off will be great for you." Mark said.

"A month?! I can't do that Mark!" I argue.

"Yes you can! You don't revolve around them! You're a normal person who can do what ever he want to do. Plus, your 'spells' last about a month don't they?" He asks.

"Yeah they do. But I still don't like this." I admit.

"Trust me. This is a good thing. I'll tell you what. I'll come down there for a week just to make sure you don't go crazy and hurt your little crush." Mark jokes.

"Fine. But don't make it obvious." I demand.

"Will do." Mark hung up and I flopped on my bed.

I took a deep breath and decided to fix up the guest room before I had to deal with a week of crazy.

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