Your POV
The flight to Ireland was nerve racking. You'd never been in a plane before and didn't know what to expect. There was lots of people at the airport and getting a ticket on such a short notice was hard enough. Your anxiety went threw the roof with all these people around.
You had to leave later on in the evening for the flight. Your seat was in the back of the plane and it was super packed. It seemed like everybody and their brother was flying to Ireland.
You were about twenty minutes away now and you decided to message Sean.
Jack's POV
I got a message saying she was twenty minutes away from Ireland and had to turn off her phone before she landed.
I grabbed my phone and keys after putting on my shoes and ran out the door. I hopped in my truck and headed to the airport to pick her up.
Your POV
After your flight landed, you hopped off the plain as fast as you could, hoping to find your luggage and message Sean to tell him you landed.
Getting your luggage was easy. You went to the station, grabbed your two bags and rolled them both over to a bench. You pulled out you phone and you instantly got a message from Sean.
TinySpiderman: Look up....
You did. Sean was standing a good ways away from you with his phone out. He gave you a smile and walked toward you.
Jack's POV
As I walked toward her, she stood up. I knew what was going to happen. I didn't want us to get into an argument but it was probably going to happen anyway.
We met face to face. I stared into her beautiful bright eyes and almost lost myself in them if she hadn't have spoken.
"Sean, I'm sorry." I snapped back to reality.
"I'm sorry that I came here after you told me not to. I know that something bad was going to happen and I didn't want you to be alone when it happened. I couldn't do that to you." Her voice was about to crack and she looked like she was going to start crying.
She kept giving her sermon on how much she was sorry and the reason why she came here. I wasn't listening.
This girl could be pouring her heart out to me and I'm not even listening. I couldn't. Part of me was trying to listen. That part was him. He wanted to know everything just to turn right around and use it against me. I couldn't let that happen. I can't let her get hurt.
She was still talking but now she was looking at me like I just failed. Tears were forming in her eyes and her cheeks were the color of a raspberry.
I didn't say anything. I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her. I was a foot taller then her so my hug seemed to cover her completely.
She was shaking in my arms. Crying.
I chuckled, remembering her raspberry cheeks. "You look like a raspberry when your face gets red." I say.
I hear her giggle in my chest. We pull way from each other at that same time, both of us smiling.
I wipe away her tears and give her a smile.
"Well, say something." She manages.
I chuckle once more. "Let's go home."

Jack's Girl
FanfictionHas there ever been a time where you felt like your life was falling apart and it wouldn't stop? That's what this story is about. You, the reader, and this life is all you have. It's slowly falling apart. One day you meet this guy, a complete stra...