17: Post-Graduation

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*Once again it's going to be another POVs situation. I'll try not to keep this a thing but I'd rather do this than post more chapters than I need to.

Your POV

Once the graduation ceremony ended, I headed straight for the parking lot. But oh no!! Chloe Brandon had to walk straight up to me and get in my face.

I hated it, I really did. We where now adults but she still had to drag me down today.

She kept making up things and pointing out things just to make fun of.

"I don't understand why you even finished school. Your dad is a drunker and I'm pretty sure you're a skank." Chloe said.

I stayed silent. I just wanted her to leave.

It had started to rain while the ceremony went on and had stopped for a short while. It was starting to sprinkle now.

Soon Chloe had an army. It was just all of her friends waiting on their toes to see what I might do. If I had the guts.

"Shut up Chloe." I say with my head down.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Excuse me?"

"You know what I said." I lifted my head.

"And what I said was the truth." Chloe said again.

"You can think that. But that doesn't mean that it's true." My voice got louder.

Chloe about had it with my rebellion. She took a deep breath, her face got red and she pushed me down on the ground right into a deep mud puddle. She played it off like I tripped or something but her eyes said something different.

My cap and gown was ruined. And the rain started to pick back up. I stood up and started to head to the parking lot like I wanted to. But Chloe grabbed me and started to push me back into the puddle when someone grabbed her wrist.

Jack's POV

Me and (y/n)'s father walked outside right when it started to pour again. Not a lot of people were outside so it was easier to see (y/n). But when we did, she was with this group of girls and was covered in mud.

We both started to walk over to them but then her dad started to pick up the pace. I did too.

One of the girls grabbed (y/n) and started to push her to the ground. But her father ran after her and grabbed the girl by the wrist.

This made (y/n) stumble back a little so I grabbed her waist from behind so she wouldn't fall.

Your POV

"Sean?" I asked. He grabbed me by the waist?!?!

"You okay?" He asked.

I felt my face glow bright red as I nodded.

He helped me to my feet and that's when I noticed my dad. "Dad?"

"Now go." He said to the group of girls. He had been giving a good talking to Chloe Brandon. He turned to face me.

Sean still had my waist but let go because of my dad giving him a look.

"Everything is fine sweetheart. You don't have to worry about those girls anymore." He said giving me a smile and an orange envelope.

I took the envelope and almost fainted. That's when my foot slipped and Sean caught me again. He kept his hand on my lower back now, even with my dad in front of us.

It was a letter from me dream college in Ireland!!!

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