You and Sean have made a routine for these past few weeks. You'd both try your best to spend time with each other. Especially now. Registration for college is tomorrow and after that the summer will be over.
This morning Sean walked with you hand-in-hand to Starbucks for coffee. He acted like a fool and danced in the streets just to make you laugh. It worked.
You both get your coffee and head to the park for a morning stroll. Sean explains to you the story line of Undertale while you balance at the edge of the sidewalk. You slip and he catches you, brings you back to your feet, and keeps talking like nothing happened. Sean was a blabber mouth when he was with you.
Sooner or later lunch time rolls around.
"Let's try that one." Sean says pointing at a restaurant on a corner. It had the windows open with flowers pouring out of the pots. There was a black chalkboard-stand in the front of the door with the menu hand written in bright colors. The whole place made you happy.
"It looks so cute. Let's try it." You agree with Sean. He smiles and walks you inside.
The place was run by a sweet elderly lady. She was wearing a pink shirt, white pearls, with a big purple hat. She smiled and took your orders and welcomed you to sit at a table. You chose one next to a window.
The food at this little restaurant was perfect. Sean agrees as he pulls out a notebook and pen.
"What's that?" You ask after you take a sip of your tea.
"My notebook. I put all of my thoughts in here." He gives you a smile.
"So it's a diary?" You poke.
"No. More like a journal. I take notes on my thoughts and what I see." He opens the book and writes something down.
"Like that." He turns the notebook so you can see.
I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world.
You blush at the sentence. "Thought?"
Sean nods and puts the notebook and pen back in his pocket.
"So," you start. "My registration is tomorrow morning and I was wondering if you'd go with me." You keep your eyes on your tea.
"Sure I'll go. But be prepared to be given a lot of attention because of my hair. Usually teachers and some students give me a stink eye when they see it." He laughs.
"Yeah. They're all just rude. Maybe I should dye my hair to make their day even worse." You joke.
Sean's eyes light up at what you said.
"Oh no way! That was a joke! I'm not getting my hair dyed!" You protest. It didn't work.
Sean had managed to get you to agree to the hair change and there was no way you could escape. He made sure to get you an appointment right after registration.

Jack's Girl
FanfictionHas there ever been a time where you felt like your life was falling apart and it wouldn't stop? That's what this story is about. You, the reader, and this life is all you have. It's slowly falling apart. One day you meet this guy, a complete stra...