The ride back to your house was better than you hoped for. Your dad drove both you and Sean to your house. You tried not to touch either of them with your muddy gown but with no win.
"What did that girl want?" Sean asked.
"She just wanted to cause a seen. But, I'm glad you two where there. You stopped her and stopped me from taking another mud dive." You start to giggle at your last detail. Sean joins in.
"It was no problem. Although I did get my shoes all muddy." He added.
You and Sean kept laughing all the way back home. Your dad didn't talk much until you where almost home. "Ready for a party?" He asked.
"A party? But I'm all dirty." You point out.
"It'll just be you and Sean there. Its not much but I hope you like it." Your dad says with a smile.
"It's perfect." You say and lay your head on his shoulder. You were really happy to have him with you now. The fact that he took off his day job to be here with you made you love him again. And Sean being here was the icing on the cake.
Sean was looking out of the window with his hands flopped in his lap. You reach over with your right hand and take his left. Sean looks over at you surprised. You give him a smile as both of your fingers intertwine together.
Home was perfect. Your dad had hung pink streamers, had your favorite homemade pizza on the table, and a plate full of cupcakes.
"I'm gunna go upstairs and change." You say to the men and head up to your room. You threw on a blue dress and ran back down the stairs.
Once you entered the kitchen, Sean stopped and stared at you. His mouth was slightly opened but with a tiny smirk.
And that was it. This crazy, green-haired man was someone special. He was someone you wanted to be with. He was your dream guy.
Your little party lasted a while before Sean had to leave to help set up his panel for the opening ceremony at the convention. You drove him to the hotel and parked the truck.
"I had a fun time with you and your dad." He said.
"I did too. Thanks for coming Sean." You looked over at him. He was looking at you.
"So that school of yours is close to my home back in Ireland." Sean stated.
"It is? That's cool. My dad was planning, if I got the scholarship, for me to head down there a few months before school starts back. The only problem is the dorms aren't opened then." You say, looking back at the steering wheel.
"You could live with me at my place." Sean blurted out.
You jumped in your seat. "WhAt?!?!?!"
"Yeah! You don't have to leave with me when I go back. You can fly there in a month or so. That'll give both of us time to pack and prepare. And You wouldn't have to stay in the dorms, you could just stay with me. I did say my place is close to campus didn't I?" Sean ended.
"You did. I'm just not sure. I'd be a burden." You added.
"No way! You're perfect just the way you are." Sean smirked.
"Please no Bruno Mars." You plead.
Sean just laughed and agreed not to do it ever again. You both laugh for no reason again until the awkward silence came back.
Sean looked at you. You looked back.
What could this person do to make me feel this way? What is with the person that I know not much about? Was this the person for me?
That's when Sean reached his hand out to the back of your head and pulled you closer to him. You thought he was going to kiss you but he didn't. He just pulled you into a hug and held you there for a good minute.
Your heart was racing but, other then that, you could hear Sean's heart beat. It was loud and heavy but the rhythm was perfect. You felt yourself shut your eyes and you would have fallen asleep but you felt something warm on your forehead.
You looked up and saw Sean giving you a sweet smile. You gave him one as well.
"Summer at your place?" You start.
He nodded.
"How dangerous is that gunna be?" You smirk.

Jack's Girl
أدب الهواةHas there ever been a time where you felt like your life was falling apart and it wouldn't stop? That's what this story is about. You, the reader, and this life is all you have. It's slowly falling apart. One day you meet this guy, a complete stra...