20: TinySpiderman

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Jack: Hey Potato!!!

Me: What did you just call me?!?!

Jack: A potato.

Me: Why?!

Jack: Because that's what I changed your name to on my phone.

Me: And that does what?

Jack: Makes you one of my favorites on my phone.

Me: You are so weird.

Jack: You don't have a nickname for me??😭😭😭

Me: No. it's just Jack.

Jack: That's so lame!!!

Me: What do you mean lame?!?! That's your nickname!!!

Jack: Yeah but that's not silly enough.

Me: Fine. I'll change it.


Me: Done. But I'll probably change it back.

TinySpiderman: What is it?!?!

Me: Something silly!!! Lol!!

TinySpiderman: I believe you. So how's the whole packing up process?

Me: Going very slowly. I just got the boxes from my dad today. I'll start packing in a week after I finish out my work days at my job.

TinySpiderman: Oh yeah. You work at a fast food restaurant right?

Me: Yeah. I wanted to finish instead of quitting.

TinySpiderman: Someone sounds like an adult!!!😏

Me: Shut up! I've got to be heading to work now. I'll talk to you when I get home.

TinySpiderman: Through Skype!!!

Me: Fine!!! And I still hate the fact that you made one of those things for me.

TinySpiderman: Only because I want to see your beautiful face!!!

Me: You are officially creepy.

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