What were you thinking?!?! You can't actually talk to him!!! What if you're not what he expects. Maybe he imagines the most beautiful girl in the world but that girl isn't you.
You pace your room. School was a drag and you didn't really remember what had happened the rest of the day because you were to worried about talking to Jack, or Sean.
"This isn't going to work. Why am I so stupid?" You keep pacing.
Your phone rings. First you hesitate but you eventually pick it up and answer.
"Wow...." Jacks voice was deep and faint. It made you blush.
"What's the matter?" You stammer.
"You're voice. It's sweet. Now I'm sure you're beautiful." You can hear him smile though the phone.
You smile too. "Thank you Sean."
"You said my name! You're so cute!"
"Stop! You're making me blush!" Your voice squeaks.
"I hope so. People say my deep voice is rather sexy~" His voice goes down an octave and you squeak again, your shoulders tightening.
"You are right about that." You say dreamily.
"Anyway, what was wrong with you this morning? Am I aloud a ask?" He seemed really concerned about the subject. You really didn't want to go down this rabbit hole, not now anyway.
"It was nothing really. It was a normal Monday morning. This girl in my first block feels the need to make a seen everyday." You sighed, knowing you've jumped into the hole.
"Was she treating you bad?" His voice was soft again.
"I never thought about it as bullying."
"I didn't say 'bullying'. That's a word I don't like to use." He was stern now, but he still had care in his voice.
"Well that's what it is. There are some days where her group pulls little pranks on me in the bathroom and lunchroom."
"Why haven't you done anything?"
You sigh. "The girl's dad is my school's superintendent. And he has it out for me. They both do."
"Have it out for you?" Sean questioned.
"My dad and the superintendent went to school together and didn't see eye-to-eye. Its stupid really. They're both adults and my dad is the only one that acts like it." You role your eyes.
"That doesn't mean they can take it out on you." Sean protested.
"Yeah. But I don't really care. It doesn't matter now." You look over at the clock on your wall. It was getting late again. Almost 1:00am.
"Of course it matters. You're important to me!" Sean was starting to get more stern with his words.
You tighten your shoulders. "No I'm not. I'm not important. No one would even notice if I disappeared."
"That's not true." Sean choked. "I would notice."
"I'm sure you would." Without even noticing, you were sarcastic. You've never really said anything that bad to him. It might have made him mad.
"Yes. I. Would. You are important to me. No one else may notice you but trust me, I do. I care about you."
You're heart starts to beat fast. No one has ever said that to you. You both hardly knew each other but he still opened up to you so much. You started to speak but you closed your mouth, not knowing what will happen if you said the words you wanted to say.
"I want you to sleep knowing that there is someone that cares. Please don't say things like that anymore. They scare me." Sean choked again. It was like he was trying to hide a sob.
"Really?" How stupid. Of course he does! Why even ask?!
"Of course."

Jack's Girl
أدب الهواةHas there ever been a time where you felt like your life was falling apart and it wouldn't stop? That's what this story is about. You, the reader, and this life is all you have. It's slowly falling apart. One day you meet this guy, a complete stra...