You stood there facing Sydney.
She was sat hunched over in her desk chair, staring at the paper you handed her.
It was a rough summary of your dream.
She clenched her fists as she held the paper. Her face drained of its color and she looked just as spooked as you.
"So, what do you think?" You asked.
Sydney closed her mouth and looked up at you. "This isn't enough information."
"What? That's everything that happened and what he said. I don't know what else there is to give you." You stammer.
"No that's not it. I'm talking about you. You don't know enough about them so I can see why you're confused." She explains.
"Them?" You repeat.
"Yeah, Antisepticeye and Darkiplier." She looks up at you like she's been good friends with them. It made you uneasy.
"They're real people?" You question.
"No way!" Sydney laughs. "Sean and Mark just make creepy videos in October. They're supposed to be evil sides to them. It's just acting."
Sydney sounded so confident in her words. The color instantly came back to her face and it was like she was reborn. She was her jumpy self again.
That stood out as a red flag.
"But what if they where real?" You ask, hoping she would be serious.
"That's a tough one. You have fangirls that dream of them and you have the serious business." Sydney answered.
"Can you explain all this to me?" You ask.
Sydney sighed and began her essay. "Sean and Mark portray their evil counterparts as uneasy and dangerous. They reside in their heads. They can't have a physical form. Darkiplier is a little like a creepy pasta. He makes things scary in order to take power. Antisepticeye, on the other hand, has 'possessed' Sean. He slit is throat in a video. But like I said, all of it is just acting."
Sydney didn't seem to confident on that last sentence. It was like she was starting to understand your concern.
"Not acting?" She questions.
"I don't think so. Sean didn't want me to come to Ireland to early because he said he was dangerous. He gets nose bleeds and tenses up whenever he's around Mark." You add.
Sydney thought for a moment.
You waited.
She looked up at you with worry in her eyes.
"He's taking you out for your birthday right?" She asks.
"Yes." You answer.
"You should be safe. If what I think is happening, then maybe you should watch your back as well." She warns.
"Then I'm definitely not going out with him!" You protest.
"Yes you should. We don't want him to worry or to get suspicious." Sydney makes her point and rolls over to her laptop to surf the web.
"You go on the date and I'll search up some stuff about Anti and Darkiplier." She promotes.
You agree with the terms and grab your bag. You had journalism is a few minutes and wanted to get there on time.
Maybe focusing on your classes will ease your mind. Sort of.

Jack's Girl
FanfictionHas there ever been a time where you felt like your life was falling apart and it wouldn't stop? That's what this story is about. You, the reader, and this life is all you have. It's slowly falling apart. One day you meet this guy, a complete stra...