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Groaning I sat down and thought about the events that brought me here. My insides boiled as the memories that got me into this predicament surfaced.

“Am I speaking to Miss Taylor Longard?” a foreign and pitchy voice echoed on the other end of the line

“Yes this is she, who are my speaking to?” I responded tiredly slumping in my plush office chair. I couldn’t quite remember why I was standing up in the first place.

“I’m Sally, Mr Maximilian DelCarlo’s assistant” she said. Her voice didn’t even scratch the surface to bearable. My jaw couldn’t clench any tighter. The shakiness in her voice encouraged me to listen to what she had to say.

“Well Sally…any particular reason why you called?”

“oooh yes Mr DelCarlo Would like to schedule a dinner with you concerning your fathers business deal. He wants to dine with you tonight at around seven at- “she began to ramble. I had to cut her train of thoughts short before she wasted more of both our time
“Slow down dear. First of all… DelCarlo? I don’t know who that is”

“He is-"
“…I don’t want to know what that is” I added a tone of assertiveness in my voice “if its business with my father, why are my the one dining with him?”

She didn’t seem to get the hint, or she simply didn’t care- because she started again with an annoying hopeful tenor. For a second I thought I was at the entrance for a teen heartthrob boy band concert.

“Ms Longard, its Mr Maximilian DelCarlo” like I’m supposed to know him “THE DelCarlo” she stressed on ‘The’ “proprietor of DelCarlo Corporation- Heir to the DelCarlo Dynasty. The youngest Italian Billionaire” her voice was in awe

“Still not ringing a bell” The way this Sally was talking about this guy-as if I'm supposed to know who he is. There are tons of business men from Europe with family fortunes; he’d have to get in line or call for an appointment with my assistant

“Well you’re meeting him tonight at la Casa Hortz, Seven will be fine for Mr DelCarlo.” I couldn’t help but pull back my head and look at my confused facial expression in the mirror, because for a second it sounded like whoever this guy is, he is ordering me to go to dinner with him.

“I’m sorry Miss, but it seems like we’re at an impasse. I have no intention in having dinner with your boss and if this is business concerning my father kindly open the phonebook and contact him- as I’m sure your office has his number” 

Within minutes I was pacing around my office. The sarcasm was sipping from my skin and I could feel a headache making its way towards my central nervous system.

“Miss Taylor you don’t want to get on Mr DelCarlo’s bad side. For your own good please accept the invitation. Or else” she began but I had to interject

“…Or else what? What will happen Sally? What will your boss do? I don’t know him and I don’t intend to”

“He’ll be angry and…and…and I don’t know what he’ll do. Just please say yes and attend dinner with him?” Sally pleaded on the other side of the line. Is Sally scared to tell this Del- whatever guy that I will not have dinner with him? Who am I kidding, of course she might be scared, he’s in business with my father; it’ll be a joke if he wasn’t 4ft5 with an office full of expensive Cuban cigar and the smell of stripers perfume on his contracts. 

“Honey I’m sorry that your boss is a controlling chauvinist, but please tell him that hell might just freeze over a few times before I will have dinner with him” the line went dead.

I could finally breathe. The thermostat must have stopped working because I could feel my pores on my forehead begin to sweat. My blood boiled with rage and irritation. Typical dad, always ready to get someone else in his batch of dirty laundry. No amount of family legacy will get me to take on that seat full of knives and gin smelling kerosene.

What’s with this Maxi- guy, who does he think he is?- Ordering me to go to dinner with him.
Whatever work I had planned for today was at the back of my mind by now. I was pacing up and down the office and the only thing I could think about was having a run and hopefully sweat out all the anger that I had constrained in the pits of my stomach.

I paged my assistant, it’ll take her a while to get to my office and meanwhile I dug in my last drawer for my gym bag.
Musky scent. A dripping sound.
I pulled my head away from the drawer and look at the character standing in the middle of my office. I was sitting down so his figure towered above my own and his features highlighted in the dawn of the last of the city's sunlight.

His hair was tousled to the back and the answer to why it was wet was answered once I looked at his entire physique. He had a tanned caramel complexion and the shirt he was wearing was partially wet. His muscles highlighted by the water still dripping from him. The gym shorts he was wearing told me that this was the first thing that he threw on before he charged into my office dripping wet. He must have just gotten out of a swimming pool, because the amount of water he was dripping on my hardwood-

“Who the hell are you and why are you dripping in my office?” I yelled as loud as I could, because it seemed like my voice got stuck into my throat and I wasn’t really breathing when he walked in.
Am I supposed to be mad or not?


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now