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“Wow. It’s big!” I yelled while feeling a smile carve widely on my face

“We’re still talking about the field right?” Maxi asked as we walked in the gates to the farm. I was too ecstatic to answer his stupid question.

The smell of grass was more than welcoming and an unusual happening to my city life. The cows in the distance assured us that this was the place. We walked towards the barn and met an elderly woman carrying a few buckets into the main house.

“Good morning ma’am” Maxi said sending a smile towards the elderly lady

“Good morning sir” she said while placing the buckets with the white liquid on a nearby table with blocks of hay

“I heard from a friend that you have the best cream on the island” he smiled and looked at the woman charmingly

“Well, your friend certainly knows a thing or two about cream then” she smiled and tucked stray strands of white and grey hair behind her ears

“She certainly does” he smiled and went to reach for the two buckets while pulling the shirt he had on off and stayed in his tank top “here allow me” he grabbed the bucket and she led us into the house

“Margaret dear could you-?” the old man pulled the book he was reading away from his line of vision before looking up at us walking through the door “hello” he said looking past Maxi and directly towards me

“This is-” the elderly lady known as Margaret pointed at us and realising that she didn’t know our names

“Maximillian” Maxi held out his hands for the man to shake

“Taylor” I smiled and his hold on my hand prolonged longer than it did Maxi’s

“They were interested in getting some cream” she said while she started unloading some of the dishes away from the sink

“I bet she can take some cream” the old man looked at me and winked

“Joseph Waldo Rossi” Margaret flunked him behind his neck with the wet-dry towel

“I’m sorry about him, he doesn’t seem to own a mirror” Margaret stated while going back to drying the dishes.

“It’s quite alright, he reminds me of my grandfather” I exclaimed trying not think about Papi

“Is he an impotent horny bunny?” Margaret asked walking over to a large cabinet compartment in the far corner of the room

“He was an opinionated and sometimes too sexual old man” I smiled thinking about my late grandfather

“I’m sorry for your loss” The room fell silent as she looked away from the opening of the cabinet

“It’s alright, it happened some years ago” I exclaimed trying not to bring down the mood of this room

“It doesn’t hurt any less dear” she smiled walking away from the cabinet and grabbing my hands “it’s alright to feel honey, I can see that you hold a lot on those shoulders” she pressed her lips together and looked at me with twinkling eyes of wisdom

I simply nodded and she turned away from me and looked at Max.

“You take care of this strong and beautiful woman” she scolded while he smiled and whispered ‘I will’ I looked at him for a millisecond and we both smiled, my tummy did one of those tumbles I had been trying so hard to suppress for the past few days

“There’s three pints of cream left, would you like those?” she turned back from the cupboard holding two in her hands

“Yes please, how much would that be?” Maximilian reached out in his pocket for his wallet

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now