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The fire had caught on the end of the table and it turns out it wasn’t really on Grandpa Gordon but on the table from where he was sitting. His pipe must have caught on fire. The fire was under control and I could see Maximilian coming towards me with haste and a small smile tugging at the end of his lips. He looked at me and then looked past me.

I turned around only to see that same girl with her hand on her belly. She was in a hoodie and tights. She looked at me with a smirk and I looked back at Maximilian who was coming in a distance. His smile dropped and I ran out of the compound. I could hear him running behind me but I couldn’t stop, I wouldn’t stop. Who was I kidding; thinking that maybe I could make the best out of a terrible situation? I got in the car with the driver who had been waiting for us; he looked at me with worry etching his face.

“Get me to the hotel” I answered his curious stare

“How about-"

“You’ll come back to get them” I said looking back through the rear view window to see Maximilian, he was running towards the car who was now speeding out of their driveway, the gate at the end was already open and I couldn’t help but break down.

On the smooth ride to the hotel I could tell that the driver was worried but like most man he didn’t know what to do in that instant. He sent my way a sad smile but I couldn’t return such an emotion. I wasn’t supposed to like him. I wasn’t supposed to fall in his trap.

Everyone warned me that his reputation follows him, who was I to think that maybe they were just myths. I sat on the steps to the hotel for a minute pulling the designer heels from my feet and running up the steps to the room.

I got in the penthouse and I let myself drop on the bed and my thoughts wallowed in despair and anger. How could I let myself fall in so deep? He was just another business deal that my father made with his father. I wasn’t supposed to fall for him. I wasn’t supposed to fall in his trap. He was just a guy with an ego and a dynasty, how could I? I found myself hitting my head in the pillow and screaming as loud as I could.

He is a black widow; all I can do right now is to fall to my death for he had stung me. I wasn’t one of those girls, but in the end I was. How could I? The darkness took over my whole demeanour and I found myself falling in a deep abyss of empty dreams and nightmares.

The knock on the door was hasty and it took me a while to understand what was happening. I woke up from the bed and pulled open the door.

“Oh sweetie, honey, you look terrible” Sergio walked into the room like he owned it

“I feel terrible”

“What happened? You ran out of the dinner party really fast” he answered waiting for me to tell him what happened

“His past finally caught up to him” I could barely tell him as I reached for the phone on the small table to make the call to the front office

“What you mean Sheri?” he asked pulling his Louis Vuitton jacket from his shoulders, anyone would look at that jacket and would tell that they were custom made to fit him perfectly

“I don’t know her name but it’s that girl who is pregnant with her baby”

“You had all the right to run, I mean he is after all Maximilian DelCarlo, alleged-"

“Hello, yes a cup of coffee with the all American breakfast” I answered cutting off the rant that Sergio was preparing to go on

“It’s not his, the baby is not his” he reassured me

“Then why was she on the grounds and why would she claim that he is the father?” I almost yelled at him

“Because I did say alleged, it’s the perfect figure for him to be the bad boy, it’s the perfect publicity stunt for him to be the man behind a few broken hearts” he patted the spot next to him so that I could take a seat, I could help but hesitate

“He doesn’t know it yet, but he loves you. Sometimes he tells himself that this is just a business deal but I can see that it is more than that” Sergio said in an all masculine way that I couldn’t help but take him seriously

“It doesn’t really matter, we are getting married in a day and that’s all that matters at the moment”

“But I don’t want just that to matter, her deserves this” he pointed at me “he deserves love, for once and all this complications to end, he deserves it after-”

“After what Sergio? What? What is it that you can’t bring yourself to tell me?”

“It’s not my place to tell”

He smiled sadly and walked out of the room with the elevator going down and I found myself with my head in between my legs and wallowing in despair.

The elevator rang again and from it stepped my mother, Maggie, Amber and the waiter with a tray of food for me. My mother grabbed that tray and placed it on the table while the waiter went down the elevator.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” Maggie asked first

“We have to leave in a few hours” my mother added

“I don’t know” I mumbled “I’m not sure that it’s all worth it” I looked at the two people looking over me

“It’s all worth it, if it wasn’t I wouldn’t be keeping my mouth shut about all of it” Maggie answered pulling me from the sofa that I had let myself moulded with and placed me on a chair next to the table

“Where’s Devon? Why don’t you go boss him around?” I grumbled as the whiff of bacon met my nose

“He’s checking out the literary collection of the library”

“A library?” Amber asked in shock from the chair she was currently occupying “Mail boy can read” she asked almost dumbfounded by such information, it was quite clear she was still drunk because sober Amber will never ask such a question

“Mail room is a choice” Maggie stated before turning back towards me

“I don’t know if I want to go through with this” I answered “on paper this all seemed simple and with less stress however in reality, he may or may not have a kid and I may or may not be doing this for all the wrong reason” I ranted while stuffing my face with as much food as I could at the same time so that no one could ask me any more questions that I didn’t want to answer

At around noon we left the hotel and I had no surprise visitor to make an appearance however once I had hit the tarmac back home my phone vibrated and I couldn’t help but walk away from everyone else to answer this call. The caller was as brief as possible and the only words I had to answer to was ‘Yes’ or no ‘No’

We all went to my apartment as they all had to wake up with me the next morning to go to the Spa and to make sure that I get enough rest and that I don’t run away. The idea of running away had been circling my mind and I could for the likes of it get it out of my head.


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now