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*Hours before boarding the plane to the Amazon*

"Yes mum, I'm alright" I answered again while mum asked from the other end of the phone, she wasn't pleased with me falling off the face of the earth for more than a few days and she wasn't pleased with me going to Brazil for more than one day, however concerned she was I could tell that she was holding back some things. Leave it to my mother to not speak her mind about a situation and later on bulldoze all of it at once.

The bag I had been packing for an hour didn't seem to be of any consequence as I thought about what I was to do next. Will I immediately be sent to the camp where he was or I'm I just foolish to go down there?

I know that I didn't leave it on the best terms with Caleb however I need to try to make it better. After the island Maximilian didn't really bother me, it's been almost two weeks now without contact and somehow a part of me wanted him to come back and woo me into submission, however that's just the weak part of me.

Caleb should be the one. If he isn't the one then I don't know who is? He holds all the character that I had wanted in a guy since I was younger, I would dream of prince charming with the good heart who likes to help people and who would love me unconditionally.

'Caleb loves me'
That thought played over and over again in my head. He must do right? A man doesn't get jealous for any reason. My clear goal now is to make sure that Caleb knows that I also appreciate him for who he is and that he isn't just some environmentalist with no career prospects as my father would so cruelly put it.

The cab pulled outside the law firm building and I got the elevator to the top floor. The sight that met me in that office; I didn't know how to react. He was standing in the corridor in his well tailored suit waiting for me with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"Taylor?" he asked and cleared his throat once I walked in and saw him. Maggie although not on good terms with me at the moment looked at me in admiration and turned back to her office.

"Max?" I walked into my office and he followed suit, I closed the door and stood behind my desk, my tummy did that whole flip thing and I'm pretty sure it was from nervousness and frustration.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulling open a drawer to grab some of the necessary paperwork

"I have the jet ready to take you on a date, I've been trying to find the courage to ask you out on a real first date and..."

"I'm sorry Max, but"

"Oh there's a but" he cut me off in the middle of the conversation.

"Yes, I need to board a plane and go to Brazil to talk to Caleb" I grabbed the passport from the drawer and added it to the paperwork that I had Maggie take care of once I got back from the island "I think that he loves me and I have a chance at a normal life with him and-"

"Normal is overrated" his eyes shone from the setting sun behind the glass that I was standing in front of.

"Normal is what I need, I don't think that I can do-" I started to point in-between us and he grabbed my fingers and crashed his lips onto mine. His warm soft lips, I wanted to desperately return the affection back however he pulled away before I could give into his dominance

"You can't say you didn't feel that" I started to talk however he cut me off "I forbid you from going to Brazil and as my future wife you will abide to such an order" his jawbones tightened and his level of sexy elevate. I felt myself getting hot and bothered and scrambling to say something.

Caleb had never screamed and given me an order before and right now I wish that he could have been the one giving me the order. But the strong willed character that lived within me will not be taking orders from a man, however hot, cute and ravishing he looked holding flowers and desiring me.

"You can't tell me what to do, I'm my own woman and I am boarding that plane"

"Over my dead body, you are going to get on my jet and we're going to the Launch of the new Taylor Restaurant in Italy, because you are my bride and anything you want I will provide, you don't need to run after that phony little man anymore" his voice was firm and thick, I could barely begin to comprehend anything that he just said before he placed the bouquet of roses on the table forcefully and his eyes pierced into mine, my body responded in a different way than my brain wanted me to.

"You are mine, and I always get the best, and I don't like coming in last, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you walk down that isle, don't try my patience because I don't have much, I can break down walls with one little finger" he was breathing in hard and heavy by then and the whole room seemed to have increased in temperature.

"Was that a threat" my chin pulled towards the ceiling and looking towards the gorgeous irresistible beast leaning on the end of my desk "because I don't do well with threats"

"7:30, be at the Tarmac for my private jet or I will come get you myself"  

#TeamMaxi or #TeamCaleb

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now