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The soft delicate voice of an office attendant blasted in the room that I was currently in; the first boarding call to Rio de Jeneiro. I grabbed my suitcase and made my way towards the bathroom where I could stand in front of a mirror and freshen up before they call for the second time.

This is it. I am finally doing this; I am boarding a plane and I am choosing love, I am doing the right thing by doing so. The air-conditioned room reminded me of how terrified I was to be doing this; actually boarding a plane and going cross countries to tell a man that maybe we could spend the rest of our lives together.

The phone vibrated in my pocket before I could apply another layer of lip gloss on my lips.

“Taylor?” my mum asked on the other end


“Good luck honey, I sure hope that he is the right choice for your future” She whispered

“I think he really is mum, he is the end to my happy ending” I placed the small pocket in my hand bag as I stared at my own reflection in the mirror

“I just want you to be happy Taylor, and so does your dad”

“I am happy mum, but you don’t have to pretend that the compliment is from the both of you”

“It is honey” she answered and then the line went silent

“Hey baby girl” my whole being almost crumbled, the voice of the man that I had learned to hate answered on the other end of the phone

“What do you want?” I clenched

“I’m sorry, if you hate me that much Taylor, it was never my intention to make you hate me, I just wanted someone who could take over the company” he answered

“I don’t want to take over the company” I answered between the intense amounts of air I was choking in

“I know you don’t, but I was hoping that you would. I’ve always wanted a boy and when you didn’t turn out to be a boy, I thought that all hope was lost for the Longard dynasty, but I didn’t need a boy” his voice cracked

“Because I have the strongest and the most courageous young woman as a daughter, so please come home”

I froze looking at my eye filled with unshed tears; I wiped the tears away from my eyes and pursed my lips. I was almost convinced that this little speech was about me. The line went dead; I pressed the end option on my phone.

That’s all he wanted, he wanted to get me back home. Leave it to my father to try and manipulate me into doing what he wants me to do. By going back home I don’t get to go find Caleb and build a life away from one that he has full control over.

I wiped a hand over my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror for one more second before grabbing my bag off the counter and exiting the bathroom. I could see the sign at the end where my plane was to be boarded. The commotion of people moving about seems to have increased once I found my way out of the bathroom. The chatter had increased and I turned around only to hear a ruckus of people moving and talking above each other’s voice, it must be the last call for an airplane.

I walked with a rage in my pace and I stood in front of the door where the air hostess was to take my ticket. She grabbed the ticket from my hands and examined it before she raised her head and looked back at me, her eyes wide; she moved her lips and tried to say something, however nothing was actually coming out.

“Can I go yet?” I asked her looking past to see that there weren’t anyone in the way however clear that could pass “is there something wrong with the ticket?”

Before she could answer a man that I presume was the captain stood in front of me and raised her chin to compose him and show dominance and power, classic primate move.

“Ma’am we have strict orders to prevent you from boarding this flight” he folded his arm behind him and looked past me

“Strict orders from whom? I bought the right ticket and I have a right to board this plane, if you know what’s best for you, you will allow me to board this flight or the next plane you fly will be that of a local airline in the dip ends of some isolated island in the pacific” the lawyer in me surfaced as I found myself standing in front of a driver and his vehicle

“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but we are under strict order as to not-“ he began however another ruckus and a loud male voice echoed at the end of the room.

“Taylor Longard?” The voice said and I turned around to be met by a man in a suit


“FBI, Please come with me”

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Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now