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I was stuck.

All matter ceased to exist and a nebula of colours evaded my sixth sense.


My mouth had moved but my words were hanging in the air.

My breath hitched and caught in my chest and I reminded myself to breath. He doesn't intimidate me. He doesn't intimidate me; replayed constantly. I puffed out my chest and straightened my spine. His male physique had me at a disadvantage, because his prominent muscles weren't hard to define.

This is my office and I'd be damned if I let him ruin my floor.

If there was one thing that I knew from experience is that men will do anything to be on top. They knew they had the advantage most of the time and they treat us like dolls. Not this doll. He stuffed the wrong piece of cloth!

Nothing about his attire screamed cheap. Even from his stance in front of my desk, it was quite clear that he wears brand.

"Eyes up here honey" he smirked from his luscious pink lips

I need to eat. The thoughts that I'm having are simply delusions from a lack of nutrients in my body.

"You're dripping on my floor and I suggest you remove yourself from it"

I had moved away from behind my desk and the gym bag that I had in my hand, on the floor. My hands were on my hips, my chin in the air and my chest to its highest capacity. I was looking up at him from my 5ft 3 to his approximately 6ft4. The inside of his Hazel green orbs illuminated from the orange hue from the sun.

"You want me out of your office? Remove me yourself" his eyebrows arched and the sin in his eyes could drown the devil. His cheekbones clenched and unclenched while his muscles tightened under the tight shirt he was wearing. He took a step towards my own body and I solidified. My muscles ceased its movement.

"You're having dinner with me, mi Amor. Wear something pretty" the Italian accent dripped from between his perfect set of teeth behind those pink lips. His musky scent overshadowed my own Gucci guilty, as he whispered in my ears gruffly.

"Ms Long..."

I snapped out of it. The female voice was enough to make me realise that he had tried to use his current maleness and physique to lure me into falling for his every word. Maybe that's what my dad wanted; an exotic man with an accent to seduce me into entering his pool of dirty money.

My assistant walked away from the situation the minute she walked into it. There wasn't anything to walk into but the way he was in my space it would have seemed so.

My eyes found its way to his own and a smirk pulled at the edge of my lips. My palms graced his tight muscles covered by the somewhat damp shirt he was wearing.

"Maxi. I will-"my hands gripped his chest harder and I could feel his muscle tense and a smile pull at his lips "-not be heading out to dinner with you"

I pushed him away from my own body and stepped back towards my desk. I picked up my phone and dialled.

"Da- Put me through to Mr Longard's office please"

"I'm sorry Miss but he is not in at the moment" I huffed in annoyance and dropped the phone on the table once I turned away from the window.

"So? 7 it is then?" He was still standing in the middle of my office his arms folded, and a smirk playing on his lips.

"Maxi. Or... whatever. Not happening" I waved my hands in the air pointing at the door in the process.

"Maximilian" he answered clearly ticked off before I continued

"You can't just barge into my office and demand I have dinner with you. I'm late for a date with my boyfriend so if you don't mind, I would like you to kindly exit the premises before I call the security guards"

His smirk widened and my insides burned, I'm not sure if from anger or butterflies. He knew he was attractive and he didn't lose an opportunity to effortlessly do so.

I grabbed my purse from my table and made an attempt to walk out of my office. He placed his hands on the frame of the door and pressed his body against mine. My skin electrocuted and my breath came out in a rush. He looked into my eyes and down the crook of my neck.

"You are not going out with any other guy. Not anymore. Our father finally cut a deal. What's more sacred than the bond between bloodlines? After all, you know you can't run from family business" he whispered 'business' and advanced his body to lightly press against my own

"Hell no! I am not a cow, my father can't trade me to the highest bidder only because I am his only daughter" I pushed him away from me and started walking down the corridor towards the elevator

"I'm sure you don't want to get on the DelCarlo's bad side"

"Is it the DelCarlo's bad side or yours?" I pressed the knob

"Whatever makes you feel more comfortable, Future Mrs DelCarlo" he sneered widely

The elevator finally pinged and the door opened. I stepped onto the elevator and he followed suit. I stood still in the middle of the empty elevator and looked at where the silver metallic door will open in a few moments.

"Think of it in this perspective; at least you get to spend the rest of your life with a young, hot, and rich Italian. Every woman's dream" He made an attempt to reach and caress my cheeks but I curved away

"You've been talking to the wrong women, with serious mental issues in your dreams." The elevator finally opened and I stepped out towards the entrance of the building.

I could see the flashing before I could make out the clicks coming from their device. The silence that the outside had- apart from the movement of the cars, came the shouting of the paparazzi. My car had already been pulled up. I stepped in and drove away. If he thinks he can just have me, because of my father's dirty business deals then he is delusional like both our fathers.

"Hey babe, are we still on for date night?" the voice that could soothe and trouble me the most in the world asked from the Bluetooth in the car

"Definitely, just some lose ends I had to tie" I looked at the road ahead and tried not to smile like an idiot

"See you in a bit, love you"

"Love you too"


I think Mariano Di Vaio is a perfect fit for Maximillian DelCarlo. But you can picture him as whoever you want him to be!

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now