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I’ve been sitting on this chair for longer than I thought I would have. It’s been almost two weeks now. No one seems to have found us, if they are even looking. Maximillian is trying to keep his distance from me after I blamed him for everything wrong in my life. He seems to feel guilty. The water lapped at the end of this wooden chair.

The stitches in my side have not yet healed but it’s on its way. The people on this island are all Italians, I want to say that the island is close to Italy but surely this is just one of those tricks from Maximillian’s father. I have no doubt that my father is also behind everything.

I’m sitting here and looking at the horizon that seems to stretch endlessly. I want to feel helpless but how’s that going to help me from this situation.

“Ms Longard?” The woman named Bertha asked as I wake up from the sitting position in the lounge chair on the sand “Mr DelCarlo would like a word with you”

I couldn’t help myself but roll my eyes to that. If he wanted to talk to me he could have just come and talk to me, I’m calmer now. At least I think I am calmer, after all I can’t really blame him for what his father did or got him to do.
I think I understand now. I think I have an idea why he is the way that he is. He is a representation of what I would have been if I had listened to my father.

“Taylor” he woke up from the stool he was sitting on and I stood in the doorway of the dining room

“DelCarlo” I simply said while I sat at the corner of the table

“I’m sorry” I looked up. He said he was sorry before but he had never said it the way that he just did right now.

“I’m sorry for everything that my family has put you through, I know it may be too late for that but I was just thinking about the awful things that you’ve been through the past few months” he looked up and he looked sincere
Bertha placed two plates with some calamari rings and a side of fries.

“Thank you” we both said in unison

His jaw clenched while he looked at his plate, he usually takes his food towards his cabin.

“You can sit and eat if you want” I simply said while I grabbed the bottle of ketchup on the table
He combed his fingers through his hair and took a sit at the table. He kept looking up to see what I was doing and I tried to ignore his constant gaze.

“Are you alright?”

“Huh?” I looked up and he was pointing towards my side

“Oh yeah, it’s getting better” I said while I poked around my food,
We sat in silent for two minutes before he chuckled and look at his own food. He tried to muffle his laughter but it seemed like the harder he tried to the more funny whatever he was laughing became.

“What’s funny?” I asked him clearly not amused

“You eat like a child”

“Excuse me?” I glared at him, clearly aware now of his amusement

“I mean, you season your food like you’re a child” he chuckled pointing towards my fries, calamari and Caesar salad with the excess amount of ketchup I had seasoned them with.
I was dumbfounded for a minute before I looked back at him and his dry plate.

“Well, at least I can eat mine. Isn’t that a bit dry” he poked his own food on his plate and somehow realising it he grabbed the ketchup bottle and shook the bottle. Mistake.

He squeezed the bottle and I found myself doing something that I hadn’t done for a while since we got to this island. Laugh. The situation wasn’t funny per say but how Max reacted was priceless.

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now