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The knock at the door pulled us out of arranging the things in Caleb’s drawers in the apartment that I got on the outskirts of the city. It must either be Maggie or my mother; the only two people that has access and knows about this apartment. Pulling open the door I could feel my blood boiling, not just from anger however from this feeling of disappointment.

Maximilian DelCarlo

He was standing in front of the door with his shirt unbuttoned and a small smile gracing his lips. He had this whole bachelor look going on and he was looking past me. I turned around to see the line of his vision and I could see Caleb standing behind me and I froze. I was dead set in the middle of the two, a feeling of guilt found its way in my core.

“What is he doing here?” Maximilian clenched

“I live here, same cannot be said about you” Caleb folded his arms over his chest

“Last I heard you were in Brazil” Maximilian took a step in the doorway

“I’m back” Caleb took a step towards Maximilian and the tension thickened

“Maximilian, what are you doing here?” I asked looking at him; however he was looking straight at Caleb

“I suggest you get out before it gets ugly” he bit back at Caleb

“This is our apartment, Taylor and I, you’re the one who doesn’t belong here” Caleb said tilting his head challenging Maximilian

“Secrets cannot stay hidden for long”

Maximilian clenched his jaw and backed out of the door without saying another word. I looked towards Caleb and he shifted uncomfortably before pressing his lips together and walking towards the bedroom. I stood in the middle of the apartment for longer than I thought I was.

By the time I woke up the sun had already set and the only light was coming from Caleb’s tablet in the bedroom. I woke up from the sitting position that I had been in and I crawled in bed next to the man that I chose and laid my head on the pillow.


I walked in the office with nothing more than a smile on my face. The first appointment this morning was no one other than Papa DelCarlo himself, he smiled with sinister once I walk in. The trick is to make it seem natural and not too tense.

“Mr DelCarlo”

“Ms Longard”

He woke up from the sitting position he was acquiring in my board room. His eyes looked up at me with the deviant look that he always held behind those eyelids.

“To whom do I owe this pleasure?” he asked

“I see you’re as straight forward as from our first meet” I began “I discovered the various drug spots, and I think I need to tell you before you say anything else that you need a new attorney, I know too much to be yours”

He looked at me dumbfounded for a moment trying to see if I was bluffing or joking. He didn’t respond however kept on listening.

“The FBI already approached me about incriminating you and getting you to tell me where all your secret operations are”

“Then why didn’t you do just that” he raised his eyebrows trying to look for a twist to my story

“Because believe it or not I care that your son gets a better future than the one you forced him into, he is a nice man however he had the worst influence of them all” I pushed the file towards him before continuing “plus there was no way of convicting you without convicting my own father, now I may not really care about him however I do care for my mother; she won’t survive a day outside of this world”

“Compelling” he looked at me trying to find a lie in my words

He woke up from his current sit and walked out of the door with a slight nod my way.  As he walked out of the door I couldn’t help but smile. I could feel the load off my chest lifting and all my worries that I had before been elevated.

“Clear my schedule for toady” I told Maggie as I walked by her office to my own.

I grabbed my purse from my office and transferred all my outgoing calls to the main assistant in the law firm. The new lawyers that I had hired were all suckers for trying to impress me. After all I was going to be the bride of a DelCarlo and my father is a Longard, so from their stand point I was royalty.

“Maggie, are you coming or not?” I smiled and she looked up at me in confusion “We’re having a spa day”

We walked up to the spa and I could feel our shoulders unlocking from the relaxing air. The whole place was a heaven for tense body parts and I wasn’t coming out of this place before I can barely feel my own muscles from being moulded to death by an expert hand.

“So, we are really doing this?” Maggie asked once we finally reached the inside of the facility

“Yup, we are” I smiled before handing her my card and she handed me the keys to her car. I signed the consent form and handed it to the manager. She hugged me and whispered thank you while grabbing the muscular male figure next to her and he turned back still in a small daze of shock, my heart melted as they ordered the couples massage.

“I have business to take care of” I got in the small car and headed upstate.


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now