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"Hey Tay, I'm calling to check up on you. This conference is going to take longer than I intended and..." Next message

"Ms Longard? It's Maggie, you have a Mr DelCarlo demanding to see you first thing tomorrow"

Next Message.
I pressed next on the answering machine at home.

It's always a good idea to have a home phone, at least that's what Janette used to say. She was the maid from my childhood. She would always tell me about her superstitions that when the invaders will take control of the earth, they will attack through technology first. She was the first maid and nanny that I had, however one day she didn't show up to work and my mother later told me that another maid; Claire will take her place.

To say I was devastated was an understatement, in a house with no siblings, a loving mother and an almost absent father, the only friend I could ever make was the maid and the butler.

The world as a child could only be seen in a horoscope of a split perspective; the father that every girl wants and the mother that every girl needs. I saw my father as this saint, he couldn't do anything wrong and he gave me everything that I desired. I thought it was because he loved me, however as time crawled by I realised that it wasn't his intentions to make sure that I was happy, he simply wanted me out of his way.

After he didn't show up for one of my dance recitals, I began to venture deeper into the being that was my father. His working hours seemed to be longer than everyone else's and his cologne seemed to morph into a cheaper scent from when he left home.

Learning about the family business and where the money came from finally ticked me off and him from my list of favourite people. He had been paying for everything until I left the house and I felt dirty because of it. A sense of guilt was always on my conscience.

My mother on the other hand is another story. They say that true love can only be found once, I think she found it. However, what happens if you find someone that hadn't been looking for you? You end up in a marriage of over 25 years with a man who can never be fully satisfied with what he has.

My mum loves me, with all that she has. She tried to make everything work for me and she tried to not get into those big arguments when I was in the house. She also provided me with the morals that set me apart from the promiscuous and elite lifestyle of the society with money.

My father doesn't love my mother as much as he loves his money, but somewhere in that deep cavern of stalagmites, there is some love for the most supportive woman in the world.

"Taylor, its Philippe, Mrs Longard requests your presence-"

The last message caught my attention from the siting position that I had occupied on the couch in front of the TV and the big tub of Caramel ice cream with extra sprinkles and nut.

After the encounter with the persuasive and egotistical Maxi DelCarlo I stayed home for the whole weekend thinking about my game plan. The feminist in me wanted to keep my feet on firm ground and refuse any rides to the moon; however the logical part of me was screaming that this might not end well. Like any other person in this generation, I did my research on Mr DelCarlo, I wasn't surprised to only find good publications and no trace of anything embarrassing or beyond recovery.

He had called my house a few times before I blocked any call coming from him. He tried about five numbers already and all of the numbers were now listed as blocked. My simple, non-perfect life was crumbling before me and I could do nothing to stop it from doing so.

Hearing the call, I woke up from the current position I was in and bounced into the bathroom, if there's anything that could make me feel better is a visit to my mother. I know that he won't be here, because he might be on another continent putting small establishments out of business.

The water washed away the dreadful memory of being offered from my father to some other man. The steam in the shower increased while I thought about my father's unethical and unconventional way of doing business.

Walking out of the shower I pulled on a dress and started blow drying my hair. The door bell ringing got me to stop drying my hair and walk towards the door with my wet hair hanging around my shoulders. It could be the delivery for the new case I'm working on. I pulled open the door and all the air thickened and karma seemed to top the bitch scale.

Him; the subject to most of my nightmares. All of my thoughts haunted by his ghost.

"It's quite rude not to answer your husband's phone calls" he said with a grin playing on his lips

"And it's quite disturbing for a man to stalk a woman that barely knows him" I retorted almost instantly while he walked past me

"Is that what you want? To get to know me?" the wink suggested him offering himself sexually to me.

In what world will I accept that kind of invitation? Yes, he had an amazing physique for the president of a multibillion dollar chain of franchises. Yes, he is the right amount of Italian to make any girl swoon, but there's one thing he hasn't realised yet, it's that I am not like any other girl and I will not marry him or be part of any activity that involves him or my crooked father.

"So, Hun. What's for dinner?" He sprawled himself on the couch in his white V-neck and those retro faded jeans

Time to dust the couch.

I walked in the kitchen. I wasn't thinking about dinner, I was just in the kitchen. It was the only place that he wasn't. The phone rang.

"Hi, Taylor, there's a client heading towards your house, his name is Mr DelCarlo, he stopped by the office the other day"

"He is already here, Maggie" I gritted through my teeth "thanks for the warning"

"Anytime, I have to go, the mail room boy is here" Maggie exclaimed excitedly before she hung up the phone

I couldn't stop typing on my phone. Not only had the appearance of this DelCarlo dude mess up my life but it seemed to have sucked out my will to live in the process. The amount of junk food that I binged on this weekend had run out and I needed a decent meal. First, I have to make sure I don't leave a complete stranger in my house. Not that I'm worried he will steal anything but that he won't leave.

"My, My- what a sight to behold"

I turned around only to find him staring at me from the door frame. I pulled my elbows from the marble countertop and stood straight looking at him. He bit his lower lip lightly and winked turning away from the kitchen and towards the living room. My eyes didn't have enough degrees to roll as much as I wanted them to.

I don't want to get married to him. Yes, I don't want to get married to him. The voice in my head became more assertive. No one will make me get married to him. Not my dad and certainly not his charm which he had almost none.

"Are you here to see Wifey?" his voice boomed from the living room and I heard another voice answering although I couldn't quite make out what was being said

I walked in the living room and my feet got stuck in the position that it was in. Why do I find myself in these situations all the time. A million thoughts were replaying in a loop in my head. What do I do? I had half a brain to tell to just stay still and maybe they won't see me.


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now