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I've been putting off the case. It's been a few weeks since I placed all the case files in lock up- procedure; however I didn't want to look at any of the paper work. I wanted to give Charlotte the case however knowing the DelCarlo's' I can't guarantee the safety of Charlotte from them and their more than a handful of enemies.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Caleb whispered behind my ears

"Nothing" I muttered looking away from the papers

Caleb was working on the logistics for his new environmental management campaign and I was looking over a case for an illegal house eviction. He was on the couch and I was off the couch, however we were both using the coffee table.

"Want some more" he held up the empty cup of coffee and I nodded while getting back to the case files in my hand.

"Caleb? Caleb? Get the phone please" I yelled while he was in the kitchen.

Who calls from a landline anymore?

"It's some guy named Archie" Caleb walked in confused with the two cups of coffee in his hand and a scone.

I grabbed the phone and talked to Archie on the other end. I couldn't take long on the phone in case suspicion rises.

"Who's Archie? And since when does he have our landline?" Caleb asked while his teeth sank in the scone he had already taken a bite out of. He turned the paper over and wrote down something before he looked up at me waiting for an answer.

"Archie is a client, he needed some legal information so I provided" I shrugged and sat on the couch. Caleb seems to be looking over some legal documents because the discourse and the amount of it with the legal words and statement got me cringing. This must be a hard and difficult case.

"Hey, are we okay?" I found myself asking out of the blue

"Yeah, why do you ask?" he placed down the paper and looked at me

"It's just lately, I feel like we're drifting apart and you get really jealous when-"

"You're beautiful, I get jealous even when girls look at you" his hands reached for my neck as he held my stare "I love you Tay" he pressed his lips on my forehead while I laid on his chest for a minute before I went up our room; he has a ton of work to complete.

I couldn't really tell how I was feeling, will the distance between us ever shorten or will it keep on increasing. I went to sleep with only one thought. I'm having lunch with mum tomorrow.


We drove up to the house. And as usual we were greeted by the one and only Philippe; He's the butler and the best any child could ask for in my case. He had all the manners that anyone would be expected to, however restrict it to a bearable amount. He was French however his accent is not as prominent to when I was a child. He had spent my entire childhood working in our house and he wouldn't have it any other way, he was more of a male father figure to me than my own father was. He would sometimes tuck me in bed when my mother had to attend the banquets she was expected to or when my father decided that my mother could make a nice arm piece.

"How was the drive up Miss Longard?" Claire looked at me while she insist on taking our coats

"It was bracing Claire, thank you for asking" I followed the smell of muffin while I held onto Caleb's freezing hands, the seasons were changing and so was the temperature

"There are my babies" my mum yelled and hugged the both of us while kissing each of us on the temple. Caleb simply shied away like a little kid and his eyes lit up once he saw the basket full of muffins. My mum knows that Caleb is a sucker for muffins and anything that has been baked and small. He weirdly feels powerful when he is eating a muffin or scones.

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now