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"What do you mean he's scared of the water?"

"I mean he is generally terrified of water in pools" She chuckled on the other end of the phone

I looked at my nails on my feet trying to remember the last time that I had shared all of my fears to Caleb. A feel of emptiness filled the room and I found myself trying to not feel the gap in the middle of my chest. I shouldn't feel this way, not like when I felt the love of a father dissipating from my life.

Caleb. The knight in shining armour. I tried to hold my own frame to get the feel of someone holding me however I lost the phantom feel to that as quickly as I tried to radiate such an emotion.

"Taylor? You still here?" Maggie asked from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah" I breathed out trying my hardest not to let the outside feel what the inside has been suppressing for a while.

"Well, I'm going to Skype with my mail god, I'll see you at work tomorrow

"Oh, no. I'm not coming into work tomorrow I have a few errands to run"

The truth is I didn't have any errands to run however I needed to drive up to my mother's and father's to talk to them. Caleb was back in Washington supposedly trying to find another way to get his internship back; however his attempts would be in vain. He was approached last time to be part of such a program because Papa DelCarlo wanted a chip to hold against me to marry Maximilian, however now that we don't really need to get married he doesn't need that chip.

Telling him that the FBI was on his trail seems to have done the trick. He wasn't forcing us to get married and I could stay at home with Caleb and live a happy life, right? I found myself in a sea of unrecognised water. The frames on the wall held no pictures and the body that I was in felt foreign. I held the wall as I felt my subconscious whispering words of submission and failure to my brain.

The better part of me was screaming for me to be with Caleb for the rest of my life however the young and naïve part was asking me to run away from the 'life' that we had begun and that everything was fake and a pretend scheme.

A knock in the dead of night stirred me out of the illusion of a crossroad.

"Maximilian?" he was standing in front of my apartment door once again clearly pissed off

"Where is he?" he stalked towards the bedroom and looked around before turning back and into the kitchen

"What are you doing?"

"I need to find him, that bastard" he yelled

"Maxi you can't just storm in here and demand to see my boyfriend, he has nothing to do with anything and we have nothing to-"

"He knew everything"


"He knew my father's plan, he knew that the house would be storming with the assassins and he knew that my dad would use him as a bargaining chip" Maximilian huffed

"What do you mean he knew, you're not making sense Max"

"Your boyfriend has been working with my father all this time. He has been screwing us over" He pulled his leather jacket form his whole demeanour to expose the tight shirt that he had underneath. His chest moved in a rushed BPM mode and all I could do was sit down on the sofa while he explained everything

"He wasn't asked to be part of the partly sunny program. He created the partly sunny program; I got my guy to look into the company"

"So you investigated him, by breaching his privacy-"I began instinctively

"That's not the important part Taylor, turns out my father made the little program that he had been working on a reality and he paid him 2.5 million dollars just so he can leave and you'll be forced to marry me"

"How is that possible Maximilian, and how do you know that?" I asked trying to not let my world crumble in front of him

"My mother told me"


"Turns out once my mother saw you, she completely freaked and by telling you this you won't go through with the wedding and she believes your father wouldn't want her daughter marrying into the DelCarlo family"

I couldn't help but laugh from that.

"What's funny" Maximilian looked at me in confusion to my sudden laughter outburst

"The fact that she believes a simple pay-off will get my father to call off the wedding, she clearly hasn't met him"

The moment when you finally realise that your life has no meaning. That you may just be a chess piece on a board, that maybe you never amounted to anything more than a goat; a pay-off agreement between two families; a merger and nothing more than that.

When you finally realise that your life has little to no value and that it represents the same value as that of the stock market. The man that you thought was maybe the one is maybe far from that.

My eyes couldn't hold all of it in anymore as the tears burst out of my eyes and the room fell. I could feel my heart melt into water and pour out of my body. The emptiness ate at my core and I could feel the limbs in my body escape their solid form.

My brain wanted me to suppress all of it; I wanted myself to suppress all of it, however somehow the harder I tried to not show any emotion at the moment. The more emotion dug from within me and I found myself in the same room of empty furniture and water ready to drown me.

I could feel his arms crushing my soul back into my body before I could smell his scent of pure male musk. I could feel the rebirth of a blooming feeling of completion starting to grow within me however I couldn't allow such a thing. He doesn't get to swoop in and be superman, not after the way he had continuously treated my life.

"No, no no" I found myself pushing and slapping his chest, he didn't budge, he looked at me without pity or anger. He really looked at me. I crumbled in his arms at that moment.

"I'm an object, I don't amount to anything" I heard myself whispering in the midst of disparity and despair.

"Bullshit" he raised his voice and grabbed my face and his voice lowered

"You are the most enticing woman I have ever met, you are smart, caring, loving, compassionate and you care about everyone around you" he removed a strand of my hair from my face and rubbed his thumb on a stray tear "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise, I didn't know I could ever feel anything for anyone, but then I met you"

An explosion of emotion erupted from my chest and the fatigue grabbed onto my feet and pulled me into an abyss of warm darkness and an array of accomplishment; like I had finally found something I didn't know existed.


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now