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Hours before the dinner

Drums; War drums, Extreme banging, louder, louder; the banging reached its peak when I finally opened my eyes. I looked around the room only to find Maggie sleeping on one sofa and my mother on the other one. Amber, one of my college friends was also sprawled on the carpet in my room. The curtains where wide open and for a moment I thought that the sun was actually on my skin.

The clock read 11:30. Wait what?

We are late. Yelling on the top of my lungs I could hear them grumbling out of sleep. I locked the door to the bathroom only to hear knocking minutes later. I made sure not to miss out the dark circles around my eyes when applying the foundation after my long overdue shower.

I walked out in my towel only to find my room in its natural order and the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. I grabbed all the essentials that I had kept on the drawers in case that I forget to look for them and placed it in the suitcase that was ready. I walked in the kitchen and had a pot of coffee, Amber was the only one waiting to use the shower as she couldn’t go back home to do so; she flew from Dubai for my wedding which was in exactly two days and today all we had to do was get ready in time to get the jet to Italy for a dinner which was about to take place in a few hours.

Mum and Maggie went to the house to use the bathrooms and facilities there and by the time they are done they will come by so that we can all be driven to the tarmac. I’ve been to Italy before however I had never felt this excited before. Maybe it’s because I am not going on a business meeting.

At around 1, the cars pulled up in front of the apartment and a man helped us with some of the suitcases that we were lugging. My mum squealed like a little girl once she saw us and she hugged us. I couldn’t help but smile at how happy she was at this very moment. Maggie also came to hug us and they both smelled like flowers no doubt my mum’s shampoo. Her obsession with flowers is quite fascinating. I’m surprised the house is not covered in paintings of flowers.

“Why are you guys more excited than I am?” I looked at the both of them who turned and look at each other before grabbing my hands and leading me into the limo. The car started moving and we were off to the tarmac. Mum and Maggie promised they would show me my dress once we were in the jet. We had to stop and pick up Devon on the way there; I didn’t want him to have an awkward ride with my father.

We finally settled down in the air with some champagne to sip on and my mum whispered In the air hostess’s ears while she pulled out a box from her bag. She handed me the small white box with the ‘L’ crest engraved on the box. It would take a stupid relative to not know that the ‘L’ meant ‘Longard’ I looked at my mother unsure however he smile intoxicating to Maggie. I pulled it open to be blinded by the most beautiful broche I had ever seen, the small ‘L’ engraving in between the emeralds were nothing short but amazing.

“Something old, blue and borrowed” my mum hugged me and I couldn’t help but squeeze the life out of her

The settings of the diamond resembled that of Victorian times however made for a princess, I have half a mind to return this to whoever sent it.

“Who- I mean” I couldn’t turn away from how glittery and astounding the piece of jewellery was

“Your grandfather, Saul Longard sent it” my mum simply said clutching her hands together

The brooch wasn’t just beautiful it seemed heavy and looked expensive however the details that the person must have poured into such an object were truly intricate and meticulous on their part. I couldn’t believe that grandpa would give me such an object.

“He wanted to give it to me, however he explained why I couldn’t get this one, because he was saving it for his granddaughter” She smiled

“Plus he already gave me a necklace with the same engraving on” she responded before I could ask

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now