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Sweet lavender scent. Clean smell of green. Rubbing down the last creases on my dress I bobbed down to the front door like a little girl. I know that it’s not over yet, however I had this inner peace that I couldn’t quite explain. The smell of baked croissants filled the whole foyer with a warm cinnamon abode. Checking my reflection for the last time in the reflective window I looked at my mother with a wide smile on my face and opened the door.

Maggie looked at me with amazement clearly written on her face. Her mail god was standing right next to him. I pressed my lips together before I could finally make a coherent sentence without giggling like a teenage girl. I stepped away from the door and they both walked in with him clutching Maggie’s hand as if he was terrified. He smiled shyly towards me and I smiled back, I lead them to the gardens and I asked him to wait for us in the living room.

My mum came down the stairs and I asked her to entertain him for we had a matter we needed taking care of. The garden as usual held its own peaceful feel to it; however the fountain in the middle of the beautifully padded lawn was flowing as usual.

This garden held one of the most magical moments of my life and this is one of those moments. I took Maggie’s hands in mine and looked at her with a wide smile on my face

“Maggie, you’re one of my best friends, some people may find it weird that I’m friends with my secretary however I say who cares, you’re the realest person I know and you are the person that I have chosen to be my maid of honour”

Her squeal I’m sure penetrated through the house when she hugged me tightly and bounded up and down. Tears welled up in her eyes and she couldn’t let go of me. I hugged her back just as tightly feeling the beat of her heart move from hectic to calm and composed with a strong beat.

“I would be honoured” we sat there for barely a minute before she squealed again “what are we waiting for, we have a wedding to plan” she grabbed my hand and we walked back to the table

My mum had everything set up for the brunch. I walked up to the mail god and held out my hand a little too enthusiastically

“I know you may already know me, but officially I’m Taylor”

“Nice to meet you miss Longard” he held out his hand but I retracted mine

“It's Taylor, you’re going to be family”

“Taylor. I’m Devon” he smiled

Maggie sat next to him; he draped an arm around her chair. He kept looking at her through the whole dinner and I couldn’t help but gush. At the back of my head I was also wondering when someone will be this caring to me and how amazing such a feeling will be.

After brunch Devon had to go to a sports game, I have no idea which sport and who was playing, all I know is that he needed to go for some sports game. This gave us enough time to sit down and finally discuss the plans for my wedding, before I could get the words wedding planning out of my mouth, my mother already pulled out a huge book entitled ‘Taylor’s Big Day’

I couldn’t help but grin. She had everything down to the wedding dress magazines, I wanted to feel like she was intruding however she had everything in one place and all we had to do was sit down and pick out which ones we would be using.

It wasn’t easy, every wedding dress looked amazing and finally we all settled on having one custom made from Sarah Burton. The shoes had to be paired by a stylist and according to my mum, I get to spend as much money as I want because it was my wedding.

However great the wedding planning seems to be going I still couldn’t fell complete. It was all eating at the back of my heart. If I back down now then I lose my only chance so all I need to do now is to keep it all under the lid.

“Wait, I need to organise a bachelorette party and a wedding dinner” The realisation finally hit Maggie

“I already have the venue for the Wedding dinner, I’m sorry. Not my fault” I drank some of the orange juice “Since we are having the wedding here, his parents decided to have the dinner at their place”

I looked at the look of confusion on their faces before I answered.

“We are going to Italy”


I let myself drop on my bed. It felt bigger now that Caleb wasn’t around. After he heard that I was getting married he had the fakest dramatic scene that I can point out now because I can tell he doesn’t really care about me. He packed most of his stuff and he moved out. I want to say that the apartment feels empty but it doesn’t, it feels at peace with nothing disturbing such peace. Who knew that, him moving out will give my life more meaning.

I basked in the beauty of the silence for longer than I should. The ceiling seemed so plain and white, like my wedding dress. A phone rang and the caller I.D. read DelCarlo, Maxi. I picked up the phone to hear his husky voice on the other end

“Hey, how did it go today?”

“It went alright; I have a maid of honour and a few too many ideas”

“That’s great, look… for the trip to Italy, don’t worry about paying for the plane and what not-"

“It’s okay Maxi, we are coming on a private jet. Thank you though”

When did he turn from the beast to the prince behind the fur? I want to say that this freaks me out however he I’ve seen people change for the simplest of reasons, either it from turning from bad to good or from good to bad.

“How about your plans for a bachelor thingy” I found myself waving my hands in the air

“There’s no one to throw me a bachelor party, the life of a Billionaire is that of lonely diners and the constant nagging of your mother” He chuckled lightly

I know he may not want one and that he may have his hands full, but the soft side of me desperately wanted to make sure that he was happy. He didn’t seem to see that as a big deal however there’s some sort of sadness in the back of his voice that I wish I could simply erase.

“Anyways, I better let you get your beauty sleep”

“Yeah” I whispered not wanting to stop listening to his voice; he had this calming effect when he wasn’t getting me angry or hot and bothered

“Taylor, I…” The line went quiet for a moment “I’ll see you when you get here”

We weren’t really getting married out of love however I insisted with both my father and Maximilian’s father. He also said that if we retracted from any functioning of the two activities then the authorities would surely find something remotely suspicious to that.

I wasn’t too happy with marrying Maximilian however it was necessary and after the Caleb drama he was the right amount of stability I needed. He knew what he wanted in life and all he wanted from me was my surname next to his. I refused to be called Taylor DelCarlo which is why we are using hyphens and I would still be address as Taylor Longard unfortunately.

Everything was falling in place. “No one needs to know, don’t tell anyone” Rang at the back of my head looking at myself in the mirror. I could swear that I was aging.

Grabbing the magazine from the dresser a smile tugged at the end of my lips. This Sarah Burton will surely look amazing; however this wasn’t the pressing matter at the moment.

Surviving was.


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now